

Clinical analysis of 14 pregnancies in women with renal transplantation


目的 探讨肾移植受者术后妊娠时机选择、孕期管理及围产结局.方法 通过回顾性收集首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院产科2017年6月至2023年6月期间就诊收治的14例肾移植受者术后妊娠患者的临床病例资料并进行随访,分析妊娠时机,妊娠期间用药情况,妊娠合并症、终止妊娠时机及母儿预后情况.结果 14例患者均为接受同种异体肾移植,孕妇平均年龄(34.2±3.2)岁(30~40岁),妊娠时距肾移植手术平均间隔(7.6±3.9)年(3~17年),除其中1例因早孕期肾功能异常建议人工流产终止妊娠外,其余13例均在我院严密监测下妊娠至中晚孕期并获得活产儿.13例继续妊娠的患者中9例(69.2%)孕期使用他克莫司+咪唑立宾+泼尼松方案免疫抑制剂治疗,3例(23.1%)使用泼尼松+硫唑嘌呤+他克莫司方案,1例(7.7%)使用环孢素A+咪唑立宾+泼尼松.终止妊娠平均孕周为(34.6±3.2)周(26+5~37+5周),其中9例在37周以前(早产)终止妊娠、4例在37周后终止妊娠,早产发生率69.2%.早产原因中5例因子痫前期病情进展终止妊娠、1例因肾功能恶化终止妊娠、1例因34+6周胎心监护异常考虑急性胎儿宫内窘迫终止妊娠、2例因自发性早产临产终止妊娠.继续妊娠的患者中12例(92.3%)患者终止妊娠方式为剖宫产,1例(7.7%)为阴道分娩,所有继续妊娠至孕中晚期的患者均得到活产儿,随访至今未见明显生长发育异常.所有孕妇产后均未出现肾功能恶化和移植肾丢失.结论 肾移植受者术后妊娠合并妊娠高血压疾病、早产等发生率高,为高危妊娠,在多科协作密切监测下进行,多数可获得良好妊娠结局.

Objective:To explore the optimal time of pregnancy,prenatal management and pregnancy outcomes in renal transplant recipients. Methods:We retrospectively collected the clinical data of 14 pregnant women with renal transplantation from June 2017 to June 2023,who had regular prenatal examination and underwent follow up in Beijing Chaoyang Hospital Affiliated to Capital Medical University.The optimal interval between renal transplantation and conception,medication use during pregnancy,maternal complications,the optimal time of termination of pregnancy,and maternal and fetal outcomes were evaluated. Results:All of the fourteen patients received allogeneic kidney transplantation.The average maternal age was(34.2+3.2)years(ranged from 30 to 40 years).The average interval between kidney transplantation and conception was(7.6+3.9)years(ranged from 3 to 17 years).Except one patient who was suggested terminating pregnancy due to abnormal renal function in the first trimester pregnancy,the other 13 patients delivered until second or third trimester under strict monitoring and obtained live births.Among those with successful pregnancy,nine women(69.2%)were treated with tacrolimus+mizoribine+prednisone regimen during pregnancy,three(23.1%)with tacrolimus+azathioprine+prednisone regimen,and one(7.7%)with cyclosporine A+mizoribine+prednisone regimen.The average gestational age was(34.6±3.2)weeks(ranged from 26+5 to 37+5 weeks).There were nine patients(69.2%)suffering premature birth,and term births were found in four patients.Among those with premature birth,the termination of pregnancy was conducted due to the progress of preeclampsia(n=5),the deterioration of renal function at 34 weeks(n=1),acute fetal distress displayed by abnormal fetal heart monitoring at 34+6 weeks(n=l)and spontaneous preterm labor at 36+5 weeks and 26+5 weeks(n=2).Twelve patients(92.3%)delivered by cesarean section,and reported live births.None experienced acute rejection or the graft loss as a result of pregnancy. Conclusions:The risks of pregnancy-induced hypertension and preterm delivery are high in renal transplant recipients.Most of them could achieve favorable pregnancy outcomes by the tight monitoring of multidisciplinary cooperation during pregnancy.


首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院 妇产科 北京 100020首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院 泌尿外科,北京 100020



Kidney transplantationPregnancyImmunosuppressantPregnancy outcome

《生殖医学杂志》 2024 (007)

878-884 / 7


