首页|期刊导航|铁道运输与经济|基于STP数据及改进UIC 406的编组站出发场能力计算方法研究

基于STP数据及改进UIC 406的编组站出发场能力计算方法研究OA北大核心

Calculation Method of Carrying Capacity of Departure Yard in Marshalling Station Based on STP Data and Improved UIC 406


UIC 406是一种在保证行车安全的基础上,压缩列车间隔时间以推算铁路车站、区间通过能力的计算方法,被广泛应用于计算中间站及区间的高峰期通过能力.由于编组站的通过能力受机车、车辆的运用及作业接续关系等诸多因素的影响,使得传统UIC 406方法无法直接应用于编组站高峰期通过能力的计算.针对以上问题,选取编组站出发场作为研究对象,基于STP系统采集的数据对各项作业过程进行分析,提出适用于编组站出发场通过能力计算的改进UIC 406方法,并以某编组站上行出发场历史作业数据为例进行计算.结果表明:经改进的UIC 406方法可行有效,可以克服传统能力查定方法数据收集难度较大的不足,从而实现对出发场通过能力的便捷化计算与评估.

UIC 406 is a calculation method used to determine the carrying capacities of railway stations and sections by compressing the time interval between trains while ensuring traffic safety.This method has been widely utilized to calculate the peak-hour carrying capacities of intermediate stations and sections.The traditional UIC 406 method cannot be directly employed to calculate the peak-hour carrying capacity of the marshalling station because its carrying capacity is affected by various factors including the use of locomotives and vehicles,as well as operational connections.Given the above problems,the departure yard of marshalling station was selected as the research object,and operational processes were analyzed based on data collected by the shunting train protection(STP)system.Subsequently,the paper proposed an improved UIC 406 method suitable for calculating the carrying capacity of the departure yard in marshalling station.With the improved method,it calculated historical operational data from the up-direction departure yard of a marshalling station as an example.The results indicate that the improved UIC 406 method is feasible and effective.The improved method can also overcome the deficiency that it is relatively difficult to collect data in traditional assessment methods.This improved method enables the convenient calculation and evaluation of the departure yard's carrying capacity.


北京交通大学 综合交通运输大数据应用技术交通运输行业重点实验室,北京 100044


UIC 406STP系统编组站通过能力查定技术

UIC 406STP SystemMarshalling StationCarrying CapacityExamination-determination Technology

《铁道运输与经济》 2024 (007)

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