

Exploring the causes,pathogenesis,syndromes and treatment of cough in winter based on"the close relationship between the human and the nature"



"The close relationship between the human and the nature"is an important idea in the Huangdi Neijing,reflecting the concept of holism of the human and the nature.It is an important theory for understanding physiology and pathology of viscera of human body.Cough is a common respiratory disease that is closely related to the Lung,and cold is the main climatic characteristic of winter.The winter comes after the autumn of yangming dryness gold and before the spring of jueyin wind wood.If the dryness arrives at this time but does not go away,or the cold arrives but is too much,or the dampness and the warm arrive out of time,different pathogenesis of cough are bound to arise,resulting in dry cough,or cough with sputum,or cough with cold or fever,etc.Therefore,the therapeutic methods of warming and moistening cool dryness,regulating the activity of qi and body fluid;dissipating wind and cold,relieving phlegm and cough;eliminating dampness to relieve superficies,dispersing qi of the lung;clearing heat and dispersing cold,relieving cough by dispersing the lung;warming yang qi,protecting the lung and resisting the cold can be used.Under the guidance of the theory of"the close relationship between the human and the nature",the causes,pathogenesis,syndromes and treatment of cough in winter combining with the physiological and pathological characteristics of the lung are discussed in this article,with a view to providing the theoretical basis for prevention and treatment of cough.


天津中医药大学研究生院,天津 301617天津中医药大学中医学院,天津 301617



the close relationship between the human and the naturecoughwinterthe lungthe cause,pathogenesis,syndrome and treatment

《天津中医药大学学报》 2024 (006)

486-490 / 5

