

Understanding the Triple Dimensions of the Connotation and Characteristics of New Quality Productive Forces



Since the concept of"new quality productive forces"was born,it has always been a research focus in the academic community.New quality productive forces is not only necessary for the revitalization of Northeast China,but also necessary for promoting the qualitative leap of productivity in our country.The proposal of"new quality productive forces"has achieved significant theoretical innovation in the sinicization and modernization of Marxism. At present,research on new quality productive forces is still in a stage of continuous enrichment and expansion.The number of research literature on new quality productive forces in the academic community is relatively small,and the research results are relatively scarce.Existing literature on the study of new quality productive forces mostly interprets its connotation characteristics,era value,and practical path from a macro perspective,providing us with a rough outline of new quality productive forces.It also leads to a relatively rough explanation of the connotation characteristics of new quality productive forces.Specifically,the interpretation of the connotation and characteristics of new productive forces is mostly limited to the current social background in China,and the connection with Marx's classical theory of productive forces is not strong.As a nascent concept,the connotation and characteristics of new productive forces need to be further elucidated. Compared to existing literature,this article extends from the following two aspects:firstly,from the three dimensions of core driving force,production support,and goal and purpose of new quality productive forces,it elaborates on the important connotation characteristics of new quality productive forces.We believe that new quality productive forces is an advanced productive forces driven by technological innovation,relying on emerging and future industries for production,and aiming for high-quality development,which demonstrates the innovation of new quality productive forces in Marx's classical productive forces theory.At the same time,based on the achievements of Marxism's sinicization theory,this paper explores the particularity of new quality productive forces in China's previous innovative theories of productive forces.Secondly,from the overall perspective of Marx's classical productive forces theory,not only does it explain the innovation of new qualitative productive forces from the perspective of political economy,but it also explores the continuity of new qualitative productive forces with Marx's classical productive forces theory from the perspective of historical materialism.In addition,it also combines the theory of productive forces in the field of scientific socialism to explore the practical path for China to accelerate the formation of new quality productive forces at the current stage.In order to help people deepen their understanding and recognition of the multiple categories of philosophy,political economy,and scientific socialism in the field of new productive forces. To some extent,this study reveals the internal logic between the new quality productive forces and Marx's classical productivity,which helps deepen the understanding of the connotation and characteristics of the new qualitative productive forces,grasp the significance of accelerating the formation of the new quality productive forces,feel the wisdom of the CPC's theoretical innovation,and clarify the historical task and mission of the party.At the same time,it also helps pay attention to solving practical problems such as technological innovation and industrial transformation at the current stage.


汕头大学 马克思主义学院,广东 汕头 515063||西南石油大学 马克思主义学院,四川 成都 610500西南石油大学 马克思主义学院,四川 成都 610500



new quality productive forcesscientific and technological innovationemerging industriesfuture industriesindustrial systemhigh quality development

《西安交通大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024 (004)

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