

Analysis of Main Controlling Factors of Deep Coalbed Methane Enrichment and Evaluation of Geological and Engineering Sweet Areas in Daning-Jixian Block


精准评价和合理优选煤层气地质工程甜点区是翔实制定勘探开发一体化方案的基础.本文聚焦大宁—吉县区块深部石炭系本溪组8#煤层,充分利用研究区煤心描述、分析化验、测录井、地震及开发动态等资料,通过研究区深部8#煤层的各种资料系统整理和深入剖析,从煤层顶底板岩性、厚度、构造、沉积环境及煤岩特征等方面,系统探讨了深部煤层气富集的主控因素,并建立了地质工程甜点区评价标准,进而划分了研究区的地质工程甜点区.研究结果表明,煤层气富集主要受顶底板岩性、构造及煤岩特征等影响,沉积环境对煤层气富集的影响多体现在顶底板岩性组合及封闭性等特征上;研究区评价出地质一类、工程一类有利区411.5 km2,资源量1 038.75 ×108 m3;地质二类、工程一类有利区596.2 km2,资源量1 192.4 × 108 m3;地质二类、工程二类有利区287.4 km2,资源量574.5 ×108 m3.

Accurate evaluation and reasonable selection of geological engineering dessert areas for coalbed methane are the basis for de-tailed formulation of integrated exploration and development plans of coalbed methane.Through in-depth analysis of coal core descrip-tion,chemical analysis,logging,seismic data,and development dynamics of the 8# coal seam in the deep Carboniferous Benxi Formation of the Daning-Jixian block,the main controlling factors of deep coalbed methane enrichment were discussed from the aspects of the roof and floor lithology and thickness of coal seam,structure,sedimentary environment,and coal rock characteristics.The evaluation criteria for geological and engineering sweet areas were established,and the geological engineering sweet spot areas in the study area were fur-ther divided.The research results indicate that the enrichment of coalbed methane is mainly influenced by the roof and floor lithology,structure and coal rock characteristics,and the influence of sedimentary environment on coalbed methane enrichment is mainly reflected in the combination and sealing characteristics of the roof and floor rock.According to evaluation result,in the study area,there are geo-logical class Ⅰ-engineering class Ⅰ favorable area of 411.5 km2,with a resource volume of 1 038.75 × 108 m3,geological class Ⅱ-engi-neering class Ⅰ favorable area of 596.2 km2,with a resource volume of 1 192.4 × 108 m3 and the geological class Ⅱ-engineering class Ⅱfavorable area of 287.4 km2,with a resource volume of 574.5 × 108 m3.


中联煤层气国家工程研究中心有限责任公司,北京 100951||中石油煤层气有限责任公司,北京 100020||中石油煤层气有限责任公司工程技术研究院,陕西西安 710082中联煤层气国家工程研究中心有限责任公司,北京 100951||中石油煤层气有限责任公司,北京 100020中石油煤层气有限责任公司,北京 100020



No.8 deep coal seamsweet spot evaluationcoalbed methanemain control factorgeological engineeringDaning-Jixian block

《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (004)

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