

Experimental Study on Influence of Injected Gas Type on Asphaltene Deposition


为明确不同注气介质下的沥青质沉积特征,通过高温高压可视化沥青质沉积量测定装置,分别开展了注N2、CH4和CO2作用下的沥青质沉积量测定实验,定量评价了气体类型及注气压力对沥青质沉积量、沉积速率及沉积颗粒粒径的影响.研究结果表明,在相同注气压力9 MPa和注入介质摩尔分数10%下,注CO2后原油中沉积的沥青质质量分数最大,为0.086%,其次为CH4,质量分数为0.067%,而注N2和无注气的沉积量相近,质量分数分别0.04%和0.035%,为最小.沥青质沉积速率则随油气接触时间的增加先增大后降低.CH4和CO2作用下的沥青质聚集体平均粒径为4.4 μm和7.3 pim,而无注气和注N2的平均粒径分别为1.7 pm和2.2 pm.N2对沥青质沉积影响很小,而CO2对沥青质沉积影响很大,CH4的影响介于两者之间.沥青质热力学模型能够准确预测3种注气介质下的沥青质沉积量,与实验结果误差小于18.2%.

In order to clarify the deposition characteristics of asphaltene under different injected gas media,the asphaltene deposition measurement experiments under the injection of N2,CH4 and CO2 were carried out by using developed high-temperature high-pressure visual asphaltene deposition measurement device,and the effects of injected gas type and gas pressure on the mass fraction,deposition rate and particle size of asphaltene deposition were quantitatively evaluated.The results show that under the same injected gas pressure(9 MPa)and mole fraction(10%),When injecting CO2,the mass fraction of crude oil asphaltene deposition is the highest(0.086%),followed by CH4(0.067%),and the lowest(0.04%)when injecting N2,which is similar to the deposition amount without gas injection(0.035%).The deposition rate of asphaltene increases first and then decreases with the increase of oil and gas contact time.The average particle size of asphaltene aggregates is 4.4 μm and 7.3 pm under the action of CH4 and CO2,and the average parti-cle size is 2.2 μm and 1.7 pm respectively with injection of N2 and without gas injection.N2 has the least impact on asphaltene deposi-tion,while CO2 has the greatest impact on asphaltene deposition,and the impact of CH4 is between the two.The thermodynamic model of asphaltene can accurately predict the mass fraction of asphaltene deposition when injecting three gas media,with an error of less than 18.2%compared to experimental results.


中国石油玉门油田分公司,甘肃酒泉 735000



asphaltene depositioninjected gasdeposition rategas injection pressuresize of asphaltene deposition particles

《西安石油大学学报(自然科学版)》 2024 (004)

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