

XI Jin-Ping's Cultural Thought Leads the Three Dimensions and Practical Direction of Rural Cultural Revitalization in the New Era



XI Jin-ping's cultural thought closely revolves around raising the banner,gathering the hearts of the peo-ple,cultivating new people,promoting culture,and displaying the image,developing a socialist culture that is oriented to modernization,the world,the future,the nation,science,and the masses,and constantly improving the country's cultural soft power and the influence of Chinese culture,and building a socialist cultural power.This grand goal,from the theoreti-cal dimension,historical dimension,and realistic dimension,elaborates on the theoretical basis,value orientation,task and roadmap of rural cultural revitalization,answers the question of the times of"what rural cultural revitalization is and how rural cultural revitalization is",contributes to the Chinese wisdom of urban and rural co-creation,co-construction and shar-ing of the modern civilization of the Chinese nation,provides a Chinese solution for urban and rural residents to achieve spiritual"common prosperity",broadens the new ideas of cultural power to empower the comprehensive revitalization of rural areas,and points out the practical direction for steadying the direction of rural cultural revitalization,activating the endogenous driving force of rural cultural revitalization,and continuously promoting rural cultural governance.


北方民族大学 马克思主义学院,宁夏 银川 750021



XI Jin-ping's Cultural ThoughtRural Cultural RevitalizationPractical Direction

《北方民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024 (004)

23-30 / 8


