

Research on Storage Expansion Scheme for Metro HD Video Monitoring System


武汉轨道交通线网部分线路设计和开通年限较长,无法满足《防恐法》公共区域及重点部位视频监控图像信息保存期限不少于 90 天的要求.研究立足于城市轨道交通运营实际,提出一种基于ONVIF协议的辅码流异地备份存储方案,实现了对既有高清视频监控系统的存储扩容.该方案已应用于武汉轨道交通某三线换乘站,相比本地存储扩容方案具有实施简单、对运营影响小、改造成本低的优势,对城市轨道交通高清视频监控系统存储 90 天扩容改造具有一定的指导意义.

The design and operation period of a part lines in the Wuhan rail transit network is relatively long,cannot meet the Anti Terrorism Law ask for the storage period of public areas and key areas video surveillance image information to be no less than 90 days.The research is based on the actual operation of urban rail transit,a scheme for remote backup and storage of auxiliary code streams based on ONVIF protocol is proposed,storage expansion of existing HD video monitoring systems is realized.This scheme has been applied at a transfer station for a three lines of Wuhan Rail Transit,compared to local storage expansion solutions,it has the advantages of simple implementation,minimal impact on operations,and low transformation costs,it has certain guiding significance for expansion and transformation of HD video monitoring systems about storage for more than 90 days in urban rail transit.


武汉地铁运营有限公司,湖北 武汉 430000



video monitoringONVIF protocolremote backupstorage expansionurban rail transit

《现代信息科技》 2024 (013)

167-170,175 / 5

