

Multi-functional Solar Photovoltaic Flower Based on STM32F103C8T6 Photoelectric Tracking



To fully utilize new energy and solve the problems of high lighting energy consumption,low ornamental value,and fixed light source in scenic areas'lighting,a multifunctional solar photovoltaic flower based on STM32F103C8T6 photoelectric tracking is designed.It uses photoelectric tracking method to collect as much solar energy as possible and convert it into electrical energy for storage in lithium batteries to power decorative lights and other modules.At the same time,an L298N motor drive module is designed to control the light receiving module and the car to move in the opposite direction,solving the problem of the solar panel moving in the same direction caused by the car's direction.Users can control the flowering,closing,and movement of photovoltaic flowers through Bluetooth.The absorption efficiency of solar energy by visual trajectory tracking and photoelectric tracking are tested separately in the same environment,and the results indicate that the photoelectric tracking method performs better in cost control and absorption efficiency of solar energy.The use of photoelectric tracking method can fully utilize solar energy and is not easily affected by sudden weather events.


重庆邮电大学 自动化学院,重庆 400065



solar photovoltaic flowerphotoelectric trackingL298N moduleovercharge and discharge protection

《现代信息科技》 2024 (013)

176-180,185 / 6

