

Research on Inverse Verification Method of Electromagnetic Reconnaissance Simulation Model Based on Data


对如何提升电磁侦察仿真模型逼真度进行了模型校验方法的研究,针对传统电磁侦察模型与实际效能相差较大等问题,参考数字孪生和黑白盒模型构建的思路,提出基于数据对模型进行逆向校验的方法,从侦察距离、测向和截获数据率 3 个方面提出了校验算法,并基于仿真数据对校验算法进行验证,仿真案例表明文章提出的方法可以解决电磁侦察模型中 3 个效能计算结果的逼真度问题,对构建高置信度的电磁侦察模型可起到指导作用,同时该方法可以为其他电磁领域模型的校验提供方法参考.

This paper studies the model verification method of how to improve the fidelity of the electromagnetic reconnaissance simulation model.Aiming at the large difference between the traditional electromagnetic reconnaissance model and the actual efficiency,the method of inverse verification for model based on data is proposed by referring to the idea of Digital Twin and construction of black and white box model.It presents a validation algorithm from three aspects of reconnaissance distance,direction finding and data rate of interception,and validates the validation algorithm based on simulation data.The simulation example shows that the proposed method in this paper can solve the fidelity problem of the three effectiveness calculation results in the electromagnetic reconnaissance model,and can play a guiding role in constructing the electromagnetic reconnaissance model with high confidence.At the same time,this method can provide the method reference for other electromagnetic field model verification.


中国电子科技集团公司第二十九研究所,四川 成都 610036



model verificationelectromagnetic reconnaissancemodel data

《现代信息科技》 2024 (014)

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