

Exploration and practice of building an intelligent discipline inspection and supervision platform in uni-versity-affiliated hospitals:a case study of dalian medical university affiliated first hospital


目的 通过现代信息技术建立高校附属医院智慧纪检监督平台,加强对重要廉政风险点的监督预警,推动人工监督与智能监督深度融合,实现对权力运行的全程记录、追溯和预警,让权力在阳光下运行.方法 智慧纪检监督平台信息系统采用大数据信息技术,以药品、医用耗材使用管理为切入点,从医院、科室、医生三个维度,建立5 大类风险分析预警功能的监督平台和系统规范化监督体系.结果 建设智慧纪检监督平台,成功实现了与医院主要核心系统的互联互通,覆盖医院的关键业务领域,形成纪检部门、行风部门、药品耗材管理部门集成联动工作机制,提升监管合力,逐步构建"严管+智管"监督新模式,持续优化提升医院管理和服务水平.结论 建设医院智慧纪检监督平台有利于提高党员干部员工的廉洁风险防范意识,实现对重要廉洁风险的动态监控和预警管理,推动制度重构、流程再造、系统重塑,助力提升高校附属医院党风廉政建设.

Objective To establish an intelligent discipline inspection and supervision platform in university-affiliated hospitals using modern information technology,strengthen the supervision and early warning of important integrity risks,promote the deep integration of manual supervision and intelligent supervision,and achieve full recording,tracing,and early warning of the exercise of power,allowing power to operate in the sunlight.Methods The intelligent discipline inspection and supervision platform information system adopts big data technology,focusing on the management of drugs and medical consumables,and es-tablishes a supervision platform and a standardized supervision system with five major risk analysis and early warning functions from the perspectives of hospitals,departments,and doctors.Results The construction of the intelligent discipline inspection and supervision platform has successfully achieved interoperability with the main core systems of the hospital,covering key busi-ness areas of the hospital.It has formed an integrated and coordinated working mechanism among the discipline inspection depart-ment,the department of ethical conduct,and the department of drug and consumable management,enhancing regulatory synergy.It gradually constructs a new supervision model of"strict management+intelligent management"and continuously optimizes and improves hospital management and service levels.Conclusion The construction of the intelligent discipline inspection and su-pervision platform in hospitals is conducive to enhancing the awareness of integrity risk prevention among Party members,cadres,and employees,realizing dynamic monitoring and early warning management of important integrity risks,promoting institutional reconstruction,process reengineering,and system reshaping,and helping to enhance the construction of Party conduct and integ-rity in university-affiliated hospitals.


大连医科大学 辽宁大连 116000



University-affiliated hospitalsIntelligent discipline inspection and supervision platformIntegrity warningBig data technology

《现代医院》 2024 (007)

1034-1038,1043 / 6


