

Research on bed efficiency in public hospitals under DRG background


目的 分析医院各临床科室床位利用效率,为合理配置科室床位资源提供参考.方法 以某三甲专科医院2022 年度数据为基础,基于传统床位工作效率指标,引入CMI值进行调整,计算各科室床位的合理区间,结合数据包络分析法(DEA),综合评价各临床科室投入产出效率,得出床位配置优化方向.结果 被统计的39 个科室中,10 个科室床位设置不合理,其中需要增加床位的有5 个科室,需要减少床位的有5 个科室.结论 利用CMI调整病床工作效率指标,结合DEA方法,可为医院动态调整临床科室床位数提供科学依据;医院应合理利用床位资源,科学规划科室床位.

Objective To analyze the bed utilization efficiency of various clinical departments in a public hospital and provide reference for the rational allocation of departmental bed resources.Methods Based on the data from a tertiary specialized hospital in 2022,traditional bed efficiency indicators were used as the basis.The Case Mix Index(CMI)was introduced for ad-justment,and the reasonable range of beds for each department was calculated.Data Envelopment Analysis(DEA)was em-ployed to comprehensively evaluate the input-output efficiency of each clinical department and determine the direction for optimi-zing bed allocation.Results Among the 39 departments included in the study,10 departments had inappropriate bed settings.Among them,5 departments needed additional beds,while 5 departments needed to reduce the number of beds.Conclusion By adjusting the bed efficiency indicators using CMI and combining the DEA method,hospitals can obtain a scientific basis for dy-namically adjusting the number of beds in clinical departments.Hospitals should make rational use of bed resources and scientifi-cally plan departmental beds.


湖南省肿瘤医院 湖南长沙 410031



Case mix indexBed efficiencyData envelopment analysisBed allocation optimization

《现代医院》 2024 (007)

1066-1069,1074 / 5


