

Research on performance management system in public hospitals under the dual drive of national civil service examination and DRGs payment policy


目的 在国家三级公立医院绩效考核和DRGs支付政策改革双重影响下探索公立医院运用绩效管理抓手,实现提质增效、高质量发展的路径.方法 本文首先运用问卷调研法对我国公立医院实施绩效考核的现状与问题进行总结,围绕问题提出绩效管理体系升级方案,并运用关键指标法在某医院中进行考核指标重新遴选.结果 通过在某医院中进行实证研究,证明升级后的绩效管理体系对医院管理提升有一定正面效果.结论 公立医院应当从组织定位、指标设计、管理抓手、人才队伍等方面建立绩效管理长效机制,为高质量发展持续助力.

Objective to explore the use of performance management as a lever in public hospitals to achieve quality improvement,efficiency enhancement,and high-quality development under the dual influences of na-tional civil service examination and Diagnosis-Related Groups(DRGs)payment policy reform.Methods A questionnaire survey was conducted to summarize the current situation and problems of performance assessment in public hospitals in China.Based on the identified problems,an upgraded performance management system was proposed,and key indicators were selected through a case study in a specific hospital.Results An empirical study in a specific hospital demonstrated the positive effects of the upgraded performance management system on hospital management improvement.Conclusion Public hospitals should establish a long-term mechanism for performance management,focusing on organizational positioning,indicator design,management levers,and talent development,to continuously support high-quality development.


浙江大学医学院附属儿童医院/国家儿童健康与疾病临床医学研究中心 浙江杭州 310052



Tertiary public hospitalsDRGs payment policyPerformance assessmentOperational managementHigh-quality development

《现代医院》 2024 (007)

1075-1078 / 4


