

Analysis of the research status of job competence in domestic public hospitals based on citespace


目的 探析国内公立医院岗位胜任力的研究现状,为公立医院人才队伍建设提供方向,助力公立医院高质量发展.方法 检索中国知网(CNKI)2009-2023 年公立医院岗位胜任力研究的相关文献,运用Citespace软件对筛选后的文献进行发文时序、作者共现、机构共现、关键词共现、关键词聚类及突现分析,并绘制可视化知识图谱.结果 共纳入有效文献501 篇;2009-2023 年我国公立医院岗位胜任力相关研究呈上升趋势;研究的热点主要在住院医师、护理等领域;关键词突现显示细分专业领域的有针对性的岗位胜任力研究是未来研究的趋势.结论 我国公立医院岗位胜任力领域的研究呈发展趋势,但仍面临机构和作者共现网络结构松散、缺乏合作、专业领域的岗位胜力研究细分不足等问题.鉴于此,亟须细分专业领域,拓展不同领域内的岗位职责、人才培养、和考核评价研究,还应鼓励多学者、跨机构合作研究,不断创新应对策略,以促进公立医院高质量发展.

Objective To analyze the research status of job competence in domestic public hospitals,provide directions for the construction of the talent pool in public hospitals,and promote their high-quality development.Methods Relevant litera-ture on job competence in domestic public hospitals from 2009 to 2023 was retrieved from the China National Knowledge Infra-structure(CNKI)database.Citespace software was used to analyze the selected literature in terms of publication timeline,author co-occurrence,institution co-occurrence,keyword co-occurrence,keyword clustering,and keyword burst analysis.A visualized knowledge map was constructed.Results A total of 501 valid articles were included.Research on job competence in domestic public hospitals showed an upward trend from 2009 to 2023.The research hotspots were mainly in the areas of resident physicians and nursing.The burst analysis of keywords indicated that targeted research on job competence in specific professional fields will be a future trend.Conclusion Research on job competence in domestic public hospitals is developing,but it still faces issues such as a loose network structure of author and institution co-occurrence and a lack of cooperation,as well as insufficient subdivi-sion of job competence research in specific professional fields.Therefore,it is necessary to further subdivide professional fields,expand research on job responsibilities,talent cultivation,and performance evaluation in different fields,and encourage collabo-ration among scholars and institutions.Continuous innovation and strategic responses are needed to promote the high-quality de-velopment of public hospitals.


武汉大学人民医院 湖北武汉 430060



CompetencyJob competencePublic hospitalsCitespace

《现代医院》 2024 (007)

1079-1083 / 5


