

Effects of water and nitrogen coupling on growth and yield of Carthamus tinctorius L.under mulch drip irrigation


[目的]研究水氮耦合对膜下滴灌红花生长发育、干物质积累量和产量的影响.[方法]采用裂区试验设计,以灌水量水平为主区.播前施基肥磷酸二铵(总养分 64%,N-P2O5=18-46)150 kg/hm2,氧化钾(30%)75 kg/hm2.设灌水量(W)和施氮量(N)2 个因素,3 个灌水量水平:W1:1 200 m3/hm2(低灌量)、W2:1 500 m3/hm2(中灌量)和W3:1 800 m3/hm2(高灌量);3 个施氮量水平:N0:不施氮(空白)、N1:300 kg/hm2(传统施氮量)和N2:600 kg/hm2(高施氮量).测定不同处理下红花的农艺性状、干物质积累量和产量,评估不同水氮耦合处理对红花生长发育和产量影响.[结果]适宜的灌溉量和施肥量对红花生长发育有显著的促进作用,W2N0和W2N1处理下红花的株高、分枝数和叶片数等农艺性状均显著高于其他处理,其中W2N1 处理下红花干物质积累速率及积累量、单株果球数和每果粒数均达到最高水平,花丝产量和籽粒产量在W2处理下均比W1和W3处理显著增加了 8.09%和 20.84%,但在 N1 和 N2 处理下差异较小,却均比 N0 处理显著增加了10.69%和25.66%.[结论]中灌量和传统施肥量处理W2N1(灌溉量1 500 m3/hm2 及施肥量300 kg/hm2)最优,可以促进红花的生长发育、提高水肥利用效率、增加干物质积累、协调产量构成因素,达到高产优质.

[Objective]To study the effects of water and nitrogen coupling on the growth,dry matter ac-cumulation and yield of Carthamus tinctorius L..[Methods]The split area test design was adopted,with the irrigation volume as the main area.Before sowing,basic fertilizer diammonium phosphate(64%of total nutri-ents,N-P2O5=18-46)150 kg/hm2,potassium oxide(30%)75 kg/hm2were applied and two factors of irrigation water(W)and nitrogen application rate(N),three irrigation water levels were set:W1:1,200 m3/hm2(low irrigation rate),W2:1,500 m3/hm2(middle irrigation rate)and W3:1,800 m3/hm2(high irrigation rate),three nitrogen application levels:N0:no nitrogen application(contrast),N1:300 kg/hm2(traditional nitrogen application rate)and N2:600 kg/hm2(high nitrogen application rate).During the test,the agronom-ic characters,dry matter accumulation and yield of Carthamus tinctorius L.under different treatments and dif-ferent periods were measured,and the effects of different water and nitrogen treatments on the growth and yield of Carthamus tinctorius L.were evaluated.[Results]The appropriate amount of irrigation and fertilization had a significant role in promoting the growth and development of Carthamus tinctorius L..The plant height,num-ber of branches,number of leaves and other agronomic traits of Carthamus tinctorius L.under W2N1 and W2N2 treatments were significantly higher than those under other treatments.The dry matter accumulation rate and a-mount,number of fruit balls per plant and number of seeds per fruit of Carthamus tinctorius L.under W2N1 treatment reached the highest level,and the filament yield and grain yield under W2 treatment were significant-ly increased by 8.09%and 20.84%compared with W1 and W3 treatment,under N1 and N2 treatment,the difference was small,but they were significantly increased by 10.69%and 25.66%compared with N0 treat-ment.[Conclusion]Irrigation amount and traditional fertilization amount(W2N1:1,500 m3/hm2 of irrigation and 300 kg/hm2 of fertilization)are combination of water and nitrogen,which can promote the growth and de-velopment of Carthamus tinctorius L.,provide water and fertilizer utilization efficiency,increase dry matter ac-cumulation,coordinate yield components,thus achieving the goal of high yield and quality of Carthamus tinc-torius L..


新疆农业科学院经济作物研究所,乌鲁木齐 830091新疆农业科学院经济作物研究所,乌鲁木齐 830091||新疆大学生命科学与技术学院,乌鲁木齐 830017新疆大学生命科学与技术学院,乌鲁木齐 830017海军军医大学药学系,上海 200433



Carthamus tinctorius L.water nitrogen couplingdry matter accumulationgrowth and de-velopmentyield

《新疆农业科学》 2024 (004)

791-803 / 13

新疆维吾尔自治区青年基金项目"红花WRKY基因家族鉴定及其干旱响应模式研究"(2021D01B61);新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发项目"新疆红花高产、优质品种筛选及丰产增效技术研究"(2023B02005-1) Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Youth Fund Project"Safflower WRKY gene family identification and drought response model re-search"(2021D01B61);Key research and development Projects of Xinjing Uygur Autonomous Region"Xinjiang safflower high yield,high quality variety screening and high yield and efficiency technology research"(2023B02005-1)

