

Pathogen identification and biological characteristics analysis of wheat snow rot caused by Microdochium nivale


[目的]研究新疆伊犁哈萨克自治州(简称伊犁州)冬小麦主产区小麦雪腐病病原菌种类、生物学特性,为农药研制及该病害防控提供科学依据.[方法]通过组织分离法,分离冬小麦雪腐病病原菌并接种到健康小麦上验证其致病性,结合生物学特征及ITS基因序列分析鉴定病原菌种类,采用生长速率法研究病原菌生物学特性.[结果]分离获得的菌株YLXF-1、YLXF-2 及YLXF-3 均可侵染健康小麦,且发病症状和田间症状相同;病原菌为Microdochium nivale.病原菌在5~35℃、pH值3~12、不同光照条件及供试培养基上均可生长,且大部分供试碳、氮源均可利用,具有较强的环境适应性.病原菌在 20℃、pH值 8、12 h光暗交替培养和PDA培养基上菌丝生长较快,利用率较好的碳源、氮源分别为蔗糖和牛肉膏.[结论]新疆伊犁州冬小麦主产区小麦雪腐病病原菌为M.nivale,病原菌菌丝最适生长温度为20℃,pH值8,光照为12h光暗交替,培养基为PDA,最佳碳源为蔗糖,最佳氮源为牛肉膏.

[Objective]The study aims to investigate the species and biological characteristics of the causal agents of wheat snow mold disease in the main wheat-producing areas of Yili Kazak Autonomous Pre-fecture(Yili Prefecture),Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,China,in order to provide scientific basis for the development of pesticides and the prevention and control of the disease.[Methods]The pathogen of win-ter wheat snow mold disease was isolated by tissue culture method and inoculated onto healthy wheat plants to verify its pathogenicity.The species of the pathogen was identified by combining its biological characteristics and ITS gene sequence analysis.The biological characteristics of the pathogen were studied by the method of growth rate.[Results]The isolates YLXF-1,YLXF-2,and YLXF-3 could infect healthy wheat and ex-hibit the same symptoms of disease in the field.Morphological and molecular biological identification results indicated that the pathogen was Microdochium nivale.The pathogen could grow at temperatures of 5-35℃,pH values of 3-12,under different light conditions,and on various test media,and could utilize most of the tested carbon and nitrogen sources,indicating strong environmental adaptability.The pathogen had faster my-celial growth at 20℃,pH 8,and 12 h of light-dark alternation culture on PDA medium,and utilized sucrose and beef extract as the better carbon and nitrogen sources,respectively.[Conclusion]The pathogen of wheat snow mold disease in the main production area of winter wheat in Yili,Xinjiang is M.nivale.The optimal growth temperature of the pathogen mycelium is 20℃,pH value is 8,light is 12 h of light and darkness alter-nation,culture medium is PDA,the best carbon source is sucrose,and the best nitrogen source is beef ex-tract.


新疆农业大学农学院,乌鲁木齐 830052新疆农业科学院核技术生物技术研究所/科技成果转化中心/农药试制中心,乌鲁木齐 830091||新疆作物化学调控工程技术研究中心,乌鲁木齐 830091



wheatsnow rotpathogen identificationbiological characteristics

《新疆农业科学》 2024 (005)

1201-1208 / 8

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