

Study on pathogenicity of Cytospora on Poplus and Salix in Xinjiang


[目的]研究分离自杨树(Populus spp.)与柳树(Salix spp.)上壳囊孢属(Cytospora spp.)真菌的致病性.[方法]将前期鉴定的13 种壳囊孢属真菌的代表菌株,通过离体枝条烫伤法将菌饼接种于新疆杨(Popu-lus alba)和白柳(Salix alba)上,测量病斑面积并比较不同种壳囊孢属真菌的致病性.[结果]菌株 2067-3(Cytospora nivea)和1579-1(C.chrysosperma)在新疆杨和白柳上的致病性最强,病斑面积最高分别为6 021.30和5 661.87 mm2.选择5 种分离自杨树与柳树的壳囊孢属真菌,分别接种至新疆杨与白柳的离体枝条上,新疆杨离体枝条的病斑面积明显大于白柳离体枝条的病斑面积;选3 种分离自杨树的壳囊孢属真菌与5 种分离自柳树的壳囊孢属真菌交互侵染后均能致病,并且致病性显著差异.分离自柳树的菌株 2191-2(C.leucostoma)、1010-1(C.salicacearum)在杨树上的致病性高于分离自柳树的壳囊孢属真菌.[结论]分离自杨树和柳树的13 种壳囊孢属真菌均能在杨树和柳树上致病,且致病性存在显著性差异.

[Objective]This project aims to clarify Cytospora on the pathogenicity of Poplus and Salix in Xinjiang.[Methods]In this study,the representative strains of 13 species of Cytospora identified previously were inoculated on Poplus alba and Salix alba by branch scalding in vitro and then the lesion area was meas-ured to compare the pathogenicity of different species of Cytospora on Poplus and Salix.[Results]Strains 2067-3(C.nivea)and 1579-1(C.chrysosperma)had the strongest pathogenicity on Poplus and Salix,with the highest lesion areas of 6,021.30 and 5,661.87 mm2,respectively.5 species of Cytospora isolated from Poplus sp.and Salix sp.were selected and inoculated on the detached branches of Poplus alba and Salix alba respectively.The lesion area of detached branches of Poplus alba was significantly larger than that of Salix al-ba.3 species of Cytospora isolated from Poplus sp.and 5 species of Cytospora isolated from Salix sp.could cause disease after cross infection,and there were significant differences in pathogenicity.Strains 2191-2(C.leucostoma)and 1010-1(C.salicacearum)were more pathogenic on poplar than those isolated from wil-low.[Conclusion]The 13 species of Cytospora from Poplus and Salix are pathogenic to Poplus and Salix,and the pathogenicity is significantly different.


新疆农业大学林学与风景园林学院,乌鲁木齐 830052



Populus sp.Salix sp.Cytosporapathogenicitycross-contaminationgrowth laws

《新疆农业科学》 2024 (005)

1227-1235 / 9

国家自然科学基金项目(31460198) National Natural Science Foundation of China(31460198)

