

Exploration situation and development strategy of Shengli Oilfield during"14th Five-Yearplan in 2021-2025"



After more than 60 years of exploration and development,the conventional oil and gas in the middle and shallow layers of the oil-rich sag in Jiyang Depression and in the ultra-denudation zones at the western edge of Junggar Basin have been in the ma-ture exploration stage,which are the main body of reserve increase in Shengli exploration area.The exploration targets are becom-ing increasingly complex and subtle,and the difficulty of large-scale reserve increase continues to rise.It is urgent to strengthen the research and judgment of the exploration situation and resource potential evaluation,formulate targeted exploration and develop-ment strategies,and ensure the sustainable development of exploration in Shengli Oilfield.The exploration condition and situation resource potential,and areas with reserve increase were analyzed,and the remaining resource potential and favorable exploration directions were clarified in the eastern and western parts of Shengli exploration area.It was believed that Shengli exploration area still had a resource foundation for sustainable development,with deep and ultra-deep layers having the potential for large-scale re-serve increase,peripheral low exploration areas having greater exploration potential,and unconventional oil and gas being the real resource replacement field.The implementation of the"three major exploration strategy transformations"was proposed,which in-cluded a shift from conventional oil and gas focus to equal emphasis on both conventional and non-conventional oil and gas in types,a shift from middle and shallow layers to deep and ultra-deep layers in stratigraphic systems,and a shift from mature oil ar-eas to comprehensive exploration of the whole exploration area in the regions.An exploration development strategy of"focusing on the whole area,successfully exploring deep layers,emphasizing both conventional and non-conventional oil and gas,and imple-menting coordinated promotion"was developed.The development path was proposed of"persisting in tackling difficulties in low exploration areas to achieve breakthroughs,continuing deep and ultra-deep layer exploration to form a new position for large-scale reserve increase,emphasizing both conventional and non-conventional oil and gas to achieve stable reserve increase,and maintain-ing efficient management to promote high-quality exploration development",which pointed out the direction for high-quality explo-ration development of Shengli Oilfield and provided ideas and directions for exploration in similar exploration areas in Bohai Bay Basin and Junggar Basin.


中国石化胜利油田分公司,山东 东营 257000



deep and ultra-deep layerequal emphasis on both conventional and non-conventional oil and gasexploration condi-tiondevelopment strategyShengli OilfieldJiyang DepressionJunggar Basin

《油气地质与采收率》 2024 (004)

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