

Research progress and potential directions of oil and gas exploration in key fields of Junggar Basin



Shengli exploration area in Junggar Basin is mainly located in the ultra-denudation zone,complex piedmont zone,and deep subsag zone around the basin.The conditions for oil and gas accumulation are complex,and exploration is difficult.In order to clarify the potential direction of key fields in Shengli exploration area and guide the optimization of the following oil and gas explo-ration deployment order,the next potential directions of each key field were analyzed on the basis of systematic summary of the ex-ploration research progress of the sedimentation,reservoir,oil source correlation,transport system,hydrocarbon accumulation mode,as well as oil and gas enrichment control factors in the ultra-denudation zone field in the western margin of Junggar Basin,the deep field of the upper combination in the central area of Junggar Basin,the ultra-deep field of the lower combination in the cen-tral area of Junggar Basin,and the piedmont zone field in the northern margin and southeastern areas of Junggar Basin.The results show that the Jurassic-Cretaceous in Hashan area,the Neogene Shawan Formation in Chepaizi area,and the Carboniferous in Che-paizi area in the ultra-denudation zone in the western margin of the Junggar Basin,as well as the Jurassic Qigu Formation in Yongjin-Zhengshacun area and the Jurassic Sangonghe Formation in Moxizhuang area in the deep area of the upper combination in the central area of the Junggar Basin,are the main positions for increasing reserves and production in the future.The Permian Upper Wuerhe Formation-Triassic Karamay Formation in Well Zheng 10 area of Shawan Sag in the ultra-deep area of the lower combina-tion in the central area of the Junggar Basin and the Permian Fengcheng Formation-Xiazijie Formation in Well Zhuangshen 1 area of the western sag of Well Pen 1 are the next important replacement positions.The parautochthonous nappe systems of the Hashan pied-mont zone in the northern margin of the Junggar Basin and the southern and northern piedmont zones of Bogda Mountain in the southeastern margin of the Junggar Basin are the favorable positions to be explored continuously in the next step.The unconven-tional shale gas field in the deep Carboniferous strata of Shibei Sag and Shiqiantan Sag is a reserve position that needs to be actively prepared in the future.During the"14th-15th Five Year Planin 2021-2030"period,Shengli exploration area should be guided by the exploration concept of"focusing on the whole area,successfully exploring deep layers,emphasizing both conventional and uncon-ventional oil and gas,and implementing coordinated promotion"and continuously and orderly promote exploration in various key fields of the basin.


中国石化胜利油田分公司 勘探开发研究院,山东 东营 257015



exploration processoil and gas systemkey fieldprogress in exploration researchpotential directionJunggar Basin

《油气地质与采收率》 2024 (004)

24-41 / 18


