

Distribution characteristics and main controlling factors of accumulation of bauxite rock in Taiyuan Formation in Longdong area



Recently,the bauxite gas reservoir of Taiyuan Formation has become a hot spot of exploration in Long-dong area of Ordos Basin.In order to systematically explore the distribution of bauxite rock and the main controlling factors of reservoir formation,based on the latest drilling cores,rock slices,three-dimensional seismic,logging,scanning electron microscopy,model forward modeling and other methods,the distribution characteristics of bauxite rock in Taiyuan Formation were studied in detail,and then the main controlling factors of bauxite rock reservoir for-mation were expounded.The results show that the aluminiferous rock series has a typical five-stage type in the lon-gitudinal direction,in which the C section is the main reservoir section of the bauxite rock,and the content of dia-spore is more than 80%.The longitudinal lithologic association of the aluminiferous rock series is mainly controlled by the karst paleogeomorphology unit.The distribution characteristics of bauxite in karst highland,karst slope and karst depression are punctate,banded and flaky,respectively.The bauxite reservoir in the karst slope area is the most developed.The enrichment of natural gas in bauxite rock is mainly controlled by high-quality reservoirs,faults,fractures and structural positions.Reservoirs are the premise of natural gas enrichment and high yield.Early faults show construction effect,and late faults show destruction effect.Fractures can improve reservoir physical proper-ties.Low-amplitude structures or nose-like traps in high structural parts are more likely to accumulate.Karst slope area is the most favorable paleogeomorphologic unit for natural gas accumulation in bauxite rock.


中国石油集团西部钻探工程有限公司录井工程分公司,新疆克拉玛依 834000中国石油集团东方地球物理勘探有限责任公司研究院长庆分院,陕西西安 710000中国石油集团测井有限公司长庆分公司,陕西西安 710000



Ordos Basinkarst paleogeomorphologyaluminiferous rock seriesdistribution characteristicsnatu-ral gas enrichment

《岩石矿物学杂志》 2024 (004)

889-904 / 16

