

Characteristics and significance of authigenic clay minerals in the Mengyejing potash deposit


云南思茅盆地勐野井钾盐矿床中含有不同类型的碎屑物:与钾盐脉共存的灰绿色泥砾("绿钾")、与钾盐脉共存的棕红色泥砾("红钾")和浅黄色泥岩.本文对不同类型碎屑物中黏土矿物进行了 X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)和透射电镜(TEM)分析.通过SEM和TEM观察到黏土颗粒为薄片状六边形,晶型较好,自形程度较高,认为其为自生成因.XRD结果表明,"红钾"中黏土矿物主要由绿泥石和伊利石组成;"绿钾"和浅黄色泥岩除了伊利石和绿泥石外,还含有"似累托石"型黏土矿物."红钾"中伊利石结晶度指数(°Δ2θ)介于 0.327~0.452之间,而"绿钾"和浅黄色泥岩则介于0.221~0.283之间,表明"绿钾"和浅黄色泥岩中伊利石结晶程度要比"红钾"中伊利石高."绿钾"和"红钾"物质来源和所经历的地质过程相同,因此,不同类型碎屑物中的黏土矿物组合和伊利石的结晶度差异表明自生伊利石的形成并非只受到温度和压力影响.其他研究表明"绿钾"还原性更强,pH值更低并且细菌活动更活跃,很可能促进了自生伊利石的形成.

The Mengyejing potash deposit,which is located in the Simao Basin,Yunnan,contains different clastic rocks,namely greyish-green breccias coexisting with potash veins("green potash"),brownish-red breccias coexis-ting with potash veins("red potash")and yellowish-brown mudstones.XRD,SEM and TEM analyses were per-formed on those fine-grained clays extracted from clastic components.SEM and TEM observation suggests that those clay minerals are mainly composed of hexagonal,euhedral illites.It is very likely those illites are authigenic origin.The XRD results show that the"red potash"are composed of chlorite and illite,whereas both"green potash"and yellowish-brown mudstone contain"pararectorite"type clays,in addition to chlorite and illite.The Kübler values(indication of illite crystallinity)of the"red potash"range from 0.327 to 0.452° Δ2θ,which are much higher than those of the"green potash"and yellowish-brown mudstone(0.221 to 0.283° Δ2θ),indicating illites from the"green potash"and yellowish-brown mudstones have higher crystallinities than those from the"red potash".The"green potash"and"red potash"derived from the same provenance,and have undergone similar geologic processes.Thus the discrepancies with respect to clay assemblages and crystallinities among different clastic sediments were not merely caused by temperature and pressure.Previous studies have shown that the"green potash"were more re-ductive,imposed by more bacterial activities and had lower pH values,which are favourable to facilitate the crys-tallization of illite.


中国地质科学院矿产资源研究所,自然资源部成矿作用与资源评价重点实验室,北京 100037成都南达微构质检技术服务有限公司,四川成都 610036



Mengyejing potash depositauthigenic clay mineralspH valuesredox conditionsbacterial activities

《岩石矿物学杂志》 2024 (004)

918-930 / 13

国家自然科学基金项目(41802111,42272108);国家重点基础研究发展计划"973"项目(2011C403007) National Natural Science Foundation of China(42272108,42172083);National Key Project for Basic Research of China"973"(2011CB403007)

