

Effects of Streptomyces pactum Act12 on root morphogenesis and medicinal quality of Codonopsis pilosula


党参作为一种药食同源的滋补中药,市场需求量很大.本研究以1年生党参种苗为材料开展田间试验,研究复合肥(750 kg·hm-2)、有机肥(15 t·hm-2)以及密旋链霉菌Act12菌剂处理(9 t·hm-2Act12菌剂+10 t·hm-2有机肥)对党参根系形态、次生代谢物含量以及党参炔苷代谢途径基因表达的影响,旨在明确3种肥料对党参根系形态及药材品质的影响.结果表明:与对照组(10t·hm-2有机肥,传统施肥模式)相比,3种施肥处理均促进了党参根系生长,形成了不同的根系形态;3种施肥处理均提升了党参多糖和次生代谢物含量,其中,Act12菌剂处理显著增加了党参炔苷、苍术内酯Ⅲ和5-羟甲基糠醛的含量.qRT-PCR分析显示,3种施肥处理提升了党参炔苷代谢途径基因的表达水平,其中Act12菌剂处理效果最显著;皮尔逊相关性分析表明,CpHCT和CpFAD基因的表达量与苍术内酯Ⅲ含量呈显著正相关.综上,3种施肥处理均能提升党参的产量与品质,其中施用Act12菌剂处理的效果优于施用复合肥和有机肥处理,是提升党参产量和品质的有效措施.

As a kind of tonic Chinese medicine with dual use in medicine and food,there is a large market demanding for Codonopsis pilosula.Taking one-year-old C.pilosula seedlings as materials,we conducted a field experiment to examine the effect of compound fertilizer(750 kg·hm-2),organic fertilizer(15 t·hm-2)and Streptomyces pactum Act12 agent(9 t·hm-2Act12+10 t·hm-2 organic fertilizer)treatments on root morphology,secondary metabolite content and expression level of lobetyolin metabolic pathway gene of C.pilosula,to clarify the effects of three fertilizers on the root morphology and medicinal quality.Compared to the control(10 t·hm-2organ-ic fertilizer,conventional fertilization),three fertilization treatments could promote root growth and formation.All fertilization treatments promoted the accumulation of C.pilosula polysaccharides and secondary metabolites.Act12 agent significantly increased the content of lobetyolin,atractylenolideⅢ,and 5-hydroxymethylfurfural.The qRT-PCR analysis indicated that three fertilization treatments increased the expression level of lobetyolin metabolic path-way genes,with Act 12 agent treatment showing the most significant effect.Pearson correlation analysis demonstra-ted that the expression level of CpHCT and CpFAD genes was significantly positively correlated with atractylenolideⅢ content.In conclusion,three fertilization treatments could effectively improve the yield and quality of C.pilosu-la.Among the three treatments,Act 12 agent performed better than that of compound fertilizer and organic fertilizer,which was an effective measure to increase the yield and quality of C.pilosula.


延安大学生命科学学院/陕西省红枣重点实验室,陕西延安 716000中国中医科学院中药研究所,北京 100700桂林旅游学院食品与健康学院,广西桂林 541006宜君县中医药健康产业发展有限公司,陕西铜川 727200


Act 12 agentCodonopsis pilosularoot morphogenesismetabolitegene expression

《应用生态学报》 2024 (006)

1608-1614 / 7


