

Study on Property of Deuterium Titanium Target with Different Bases


中子发生器的靶片性能影响中子产额和稳定性.为防止钛膜和基底材料间生成合金,进而影响靶片性能,本研究在氘钛靶储氢层与基底层之间采用了镀金工艺,以阻止钛膜和靶片的基底材料相互渗透,进而影响钛膜中钛元素浓度,造成靶上有效氘浓度降低.经过对比测试,钼基底镀金氘钛靶的中子产额可达到 1.61×109 s-1,在束流强度一定的条件下,其中子产额及稳定性优于铜基底镀金氘钛靶和纯钼基底氘钛靶.电子显微镜能谱分析显示,钼基底镀金氘钛靶中钛元素丰度最高,成功解释了其中子产额较高的原因.同时模拟计算排除了实验中靶片温度上升对靶中氘溢出的影响.此研究为理解和优化中子发生器提供了有价值的见解.

The effective performance of target materials within neutron generators is pivotal in determining neutron yield and ensuring system stability.This research investigates the adverse effects that arise from the formation of intermetallic alloys between titanium films and bases in deuterium titanium targets,a prevalent issue that causes substantial degradation in target performance.Aiming to address and counter this challenge,the study introduced an innovative gold-plated technique.The gold-plated was meticulously applied to serve as a barrier between the hydrogen storage layer and the base material of the target.This method was executed to intercept the diffusive processes that could lead to deleterious alloying between the titanium film and the base.The successful application of this technique is paramount in maintaining the integrity and concentration of titanium elements within the coating and,crucially,in protecting the active deuterium nuclei that are essential for effective neutron generation.The investigation proceeded with rigorous comparative analyses conducted under specific beam conditions to evaluate the efficacy of the molybdenum base gold-plated deuterium titanium targets against other materials.The findings are clear and significant and the molybdenum base gold-plated deuterium titanium target demonstrates a superior neutron output with a yield of 1.61×109 s-1,outstandingly surpassing that of both the copper base gold-plated and pure molybdenum base deuterium titanium targets.The integrity of these results was further consolidated through meticulous electron microscope spectral analysis.This analysis confirms the enriched presence of titanium in the molybdenum base gold-plated deuterium titanium target,which helps explain the observed increase in neutron yield.Moreover,detailed computational simulations were employed to discern any possible influence of temperature on deuterium retention within the target.The simulation leads to the exclusion of temperature rise as a contributory factor for deuterium loss,affirming the resilience of the target design against heat-related performance issues.In summary,this seminal piece of research provides vital insights into the intricacies of neutron generation,particularly highlighting the impact of target material selection and surface integrity.Through careful experimentation and analysis,the study advocates the use of a molybdenum base gold-plated for deuterium titanium targets as an effective strategy for ensuring high neutron yields and stable generator operation.The conclusions drawn from this work lay a robust groundwork for the optimization of neutron generator targets,potentially revolutionizing practices within the field.Future applications of this research are expected to extend not only to the improvement of current neutron generator designs but also to the innovation of new systems where maximum neutron yield and stability are crucial.This comprehensive inquiry,therefore,transcends conventional understanding and presents a transformational approach to material engineering in neutron generation,setting a precedent for excellence and efficiency that will undoubtedly guide future advancements in the domain.


中国原子能科学研究院,北京 102413



deuterium titanium targetgold-platedbaseneutron yieldneutron yield stability

《原子能科学技术》 2024 (007)

1548-1556 / 9


