

Application and reflection of clinical decision support system for headache in the training and teaching of head-ache specialists in China


头痛发病率高、致残率高,中国的头痛负担问题已成为日益严峻的社会问题,但因其病因分类复杂,医生对于头痛疾患的诊断水平参差不齐.为了帮助临床医生有效提高临床诊断正确率,解放军总医院牵头开发了头痛临床决策支持系统(CDSS),目前CDSS 2.0已经能够达到满意的头痛正确诊断率.解放军总医院发起中国头痛防控基地及体系建设项目,在头痛专科培训实践中应用CDSS进行辅助教学是头痛专科医师培训中的重要手段,借助CDSS系统对神经内科医师进行头痛专科培训,通过CDSS的学习功能,医师可以更好地了解头痛问诊路径、提高对继发性头痛的识别能力、熟悉国际头痛分类第三版(ICHD-3)诊断标准、学习头痛标准病例以及提高规范治疗能力.本文将全面探讨CDSS在头痛专科医师培训中的作用,并对此进行总结及思考,以期为我国头痛专科医师培训的进一步发展和完善提供参考.

Headache has high incidence and disability rates.The burden of headache in China has become an in-creasingly serious social problem.However,the diagnostic level of headache disorders varies among physicians due to the complexity of etiological classification.In order to help clinicians effectively improve the accuracy of clinical diagnosis,the Chinese People's Liberation Army(PLA)General Hospital led the development of the Clinical Decision Support Sys-tem(CDSS)for headache,and CDSS 2.0 has already been able to achieve a satisfactory diagnostic accuracy rate for head-ache.The Chinese PLA General Hospital has initiated the headache prevention and control base and system construction project in China.The application of CDSS to assist teaching in headache specialist training practice is an important means of headache specialist training.With the help of the CDSS system,neurologists are trained in headache specialty.Through the learning function of the CDSS,physicians can better understand the path of headache inquiry,improve the ability to identify secondary headache,be familiar with the ICHD-3 diagnostic criteria,learn standard headache cases,and improve the ability to employ standard treatment.In this paper,we will comprehensively discuss the role of the CDSS in the training of headache specialists and provide a summary and reflection,in order to provide a reference for the further development and improvement of headache specialist training in China.


解放军总医院第一医学中心神经内科医学部,北京 100853



Clinical decision support systemHeadacheSpecialist training

《中风与神经疾病杂志》 2024 (007)

593-595 / 3

