

Advance and Prospect in Regulation Mechanisms of Seed Dormancy and Germination of Rice in China in Recent Years


水稻种子的休眠与萌发是维持水稻产量和品质的重要农艺性状.水稻种子收获前较低的休眠水平易引起穗发芽,导致水稻产量和品质降低.另一方面,较高的休眠程度易引起水稻播种期的低发芽率和出苗不整齐,严重制约水稻的高产稳产.综述了 2020 年以来国内在水稻种子休眠与萌发遗传调控领域取得的一系列重要进展,具体从植物激素、非生物胁迫和穗发芽调控机制展开,并对国外相关领域的研究作简要介绍,提出研究趋势和展望,以期阐明调控种子萌发的遗传特性和作用机理,为适宜休眠度的水稻新品种培育提供理论依据和优良基因资源.

The dormancy and germination of rice seeds are important agronomic traits to maintain rice yield and quality.Before rice seed harvest,lower dormancy levels easily cause pre-harvest sprouting,resulting in reduced yield and quality.On the other hand,the high degree of dormancy usually leads to a low germination rate and the irregular emergence of rice seeds,which seriously restricts rice's high and stable yield.This paper overall reviewed the research progress of regulation mechanisms of rice seed dormancy and germination in 2020-2023 in China,specifically from the three areas,i.e.,plant hormones(abscisic acid,gibberellin,jasmonic acid,auxin,brassinolide,and the cross talk between different hormones),abiotic stress(low temperature stress,salt stress,flooding stress,heavy metal stress,oxidative stress),and pre-harvest sprouting,briefly introduced the research progress abroad,prospected the research trend and direction,and thus aiming to clarify the genetic characteristics and mechanism of seed dormancy and germination,provide a theoretical basis and elite gene resources for the selection of rice varieties with suitable dormancy level.


长江大学生命科学学院,湖北荆州 434025中国水稻研究所/水稻生物育种全国重点实验室,杭州 310006



riceseeddormancygerminationregulation mechanismcrop improvement

《中国稻米》 2024 (004)

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