

Effects of Interaction between Genotype and High Temperature on Head Rice Rate in Hybrid Rice


为了提高高温伏旱区水稻的整精米率,以 3 个不育系(椰香A、沪旱 82S、川康 606A)与 5 个恢复系(泸恢 107、泸恢 127、泸恢 276、泸恢 1156、泸恢 6150)配制的 15 个杂交中籼组合为材料,分别于 2021、2022 年早季和晚季种植,稻谷收获后分别采用 40℃和 80℃干燥,研究杂交水稻基因型与环境互作对整精米率的影响.结果表明,水稻生长期温度和稻谷干燥温度对整精米率的影响大,2021 年水稻灌浆期气温正常,其整精米率(平均 48.92%)比2022 年(平均 17.39%,罕见高温年景)高 181.00%,稻谷干燥温度 40℃处理平均整精米率(45.94%)比 80℃处理(20.37%)高 125.00%;恢复系对整精米率影响次之,泸恢 6150 所配组合整精米率最高,平均比其他恢复系所配组合高 13.85%~25.34%;不育系对整精米率影响较小,其中椰香A所配组合整精米率最高,平均比其他不育系所配组合高8.97%~9.45%;不育系与恢复系的特殊配合力对整精米率影响较大,恢复系的一般配合力显著高于不育系.种植季节对整精米率影响最小,晚季种植比早季种植整精米率仅高 2.97%.通过恢复系改良选择对整精米率特殊配合力高的杂交组合,使其处于适宜灌浆期温度下,并采用适宜的温度干燥稻谷,有利于大幅度提高整精米率.

In order to improve the head rice rate in high temperature and arid areas,15 hybrid indica combinations bred with 3 sterile lines(Yexiang A,Huhan 82S,Chuankang 606A)and 5 restorer lines(Luhui 107,Luhui 127,Luhui 276,Luhui 1156,Luhui 6150)were used as materials in 2021 and 2022,and the effects of interaction between hybrid rice genotype and environment on head rice rate were studied in the early and late planting season,and at two drying temperatures of 40℃ and 80℃ respectively.The results showed that the annual ecological conditions and rice drying temperature had the greatest influence on the head rice rate.The average head rice rate(48.92%)in 2021 was 181.00%higher than that in 2022(17.39%,a rare high temperature year),and the average head rice rate(45.94%)at a drying temperature of 40℃ for rice was 125.00%higher than that at 80℃(20.37%).The influence of the restorer line was the second,The combinations bred with Luhui 6150 had the highest head rice rate,with an average of 13.85%-25.34%higher than the comninations bred with other restorer lines.The male sterile lines had little effect,the combination bred with Yexiang A had the highest head rice,with an average of 8.97%-9.45%higher than the combination bred with other male sterile lines.The special combining ability of the sterile line and the restorer line had great influence on the head rice rate,and the general combining ability of the restorer line was significantly higher than that of the sterile line.The planting season had the least effect on the head rice rate,and the head rice rate in late season was 2.97%higher than that in early season.Through the improvement of restorer line,the hybrid combination with high special combining ability for the head rice rate was beneficial to greatly improve the head rice rate under the suitable temperature of filling stage and rice drying temperature.


四川省农业科学院水稻高粱研究所/农业农村部西南水稻生物学与遗传育种重点实验室/作物生理生态及栽培四川省重点实验室,四川德阳 618000泸县农业农村局,四川泸县 646100



hybrid ricegenotypehigh temperature environmentcombining abilityhead rice rate

《中国稻米》 2024 (004)

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