

Analysis of Global Strategic Mineral Industry Chain and Supply Chain



Under the circumstances of profound changes unseen in a century,the uneven distribution of global strategic mineral resources supply and strong demand drives the continuous upgrading of its industrial chain and supply chain competition,and structural changes have occurred.Resource acquisition of a country spread to the whole industrial chain,and the bilateral cooperation developed into multilateral cooperation,such as conglomeration and regionalization of the alliance of international organizations.Hence,the strategic mineral industry chain and supply chain have been gradually globalizing and complicating,and factors such as resource nationalism,supply chain localization,and export controls will increase the risk of decoupling and disruption of the resource supply chain.As a result,countries have been reviewing their lists of strategic minerals and issuing security policies in order to maintain the stable development of their national economies.As a big country of global strategic mineral production and consumption,China has advantages in the scale of mineral resources production,smelting,processing and manufacturing,materials and resources recycling,forming the world's largest mineral resources and materials industry.However,due to the existing problems including rare minerals in short supply,a high degree of external dependence,the concentrated sources of imports,and the widening gap between supply and demand,coupled with the need to deal with various types of derivative risks triggered by climate change,the Russia-Ukraine conflict and other factors,China's strategic mineral industry chain is generally strong in midstream,and rare minerals are weak at both ends,and the advantageous mineral downstream usage is relatively weak.Therefore,the top-level design of China's strategic mineral supply chain should be strengthened,and the technological innovation of upstream extraction,midstream smelting,downstream processing,and recycling should be enhanced,and in-depth participation in the global governance of the mineral resources industry chain and supply chain should be made to ensure the stability of China's strategic mineral industry chain and supply chain.


中国地质调查局国际矿业研究中心,北京 100037||中国矿业报社,北京 100037中国地质调查局国际矿业研究中心,北京 100037||中国矿业报社,北京 100037||中国地质大学(武汉),湖北 武汉 430074



strategic mineralsindustry chainsupply chainindustrial competitioninternational cooperation

《中国国土资源经济》 2024 (007)

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