

Study on the Supply Guarantee Path of Mineral Resources



From the perspective of a facilitating government and effective market,the technical logic of mineral resource supply guarantee is that the"visible hand"of the government and the"invisible hand"of the market play a joint role.Currently,China's mineral resource supply presents a phenomenon of"one high and three low",which refers to high resource revenues,low exploration investment,low supply of mining rights,and low self-sufficiency in mineral products,reflecting that the allocation level of mineral resources in China is still falling short of meeting requirements of market reform.The shortcomings are increasingly obvious,especially in the government management capacity,market system construction,the effective combination of government and market and other aspects.On this basis,the article defines the requirements of China's economic and social development for mineral resource supply in the new era,fully draws on foreign advanced experience,and puts forward the realization path of resource supply guarantee under the coupling effect of facilitating government and effective market:①Strengthen the supply capacity of mining rights and related factors.②Actively cultivate a venture exploration market system.③Emphasize improving the communication and coordination mechanism between the government and the market.④Reasonably adjust the revenue allocation among stakeholders.


中国自然资源经济研究院,北京 101149自然资源部中央地质勘查基金管理中心,北京 100830



mineral resource supplyfacilitating governmenteffective marketguarantee path

《中国国土资源经济》 2024 (007)

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