

Effect of digital oil painting on memory function in elderly patients with alzheimer's disease


目的 探究数字油画作为非药物治疗方法对老年阿尔茨海默病患者记忆功能的影响.方法 采用类实验研究设计,便利选取60例老年阿尔茨海默病患者,分为试验组和对照组,每组30例.对照组维持常规治疗和护理,试验组额外再接受为期8周的数字油画干预,干预内容包括基础绘画技能培训、主题绘画创作和自由绘画表达.使用日常记忆功能问卷评估干预前后患者记忆功能的变化,同时收集绘画作品和治疗师的观察记录作为辅助分析数据.结果 试验组在干预后的记忆功能问卷得分显著高于对照组,显示数字油画对提升老年阿尔茨海默病患者记忆功能有积极作用.此外,数字油画还有助于改善患者的认知状态和心理情感表达.结论 数字油画是一种有效的非药物治疗方法,能显著改善老年阿尔茨海默病患者的记忆功能,增强其认知能力和情感表达.

Objective To explore the effects of digital oil painting as a non-pharmacological treatment on the memory functions of elderly Alzheimer's disease(AD)patients.Methods A quasi-experimental study design was used,involving the convenient selec-tion of 60 elderly Alzheimer's patients divided into experimental and control groups,with 30 participants in each.The control group continued with routine treatment and care,while the experimental group received an additional 8 weeks of digital oil painting inter-vention.This included basic oil painting skills training,thematic creative oil painting,and free oil painting expression.The changes in patients'memory functions were assessed using a daily memory function questionnaire before and after the intervention.Oil paintings and therapist observation records were also collected for auxiliary data analysis.Results Post-intervention,the experimental group showed significantly higher scores on the memory function questionnaire compared to the control group,indicating that digital oil painting has a positive effect on improving memory functions in elderly AD patients.Moreover,digital oil painting also helped in en-hancing the patients'cognitive status and emotional expression.Conclusion Digital oil painting is an effective non-pharmacological treatment that significantly improves the memory functions of elderly AD patients,enhancing their cognitive abilities and emotional expression.


广西壮族自治区人民医院门诊部 530021


alzheimer's diseasedementiadigital oil paintingmemory functioncognitive functionnon-pharmacological treat-ment

《中国老年保健医学》 2024 (003)

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