

Status quo of health management undergraduate education:Celebrating 40 years of undergraduate professional education in health management in China


目的 通过对卫生管理专业本科教育现况调查,分析评价卫生管理专业本科教育的发展质量与水平.方法 应用网络问卷调查法,对全国61所高校,从基本信息、招生与培养、专业能力与特色、就业情况、学科建设5个维度就卫生管理专业本科教育的办学现状与发展趋势进行调查.结果 当前我国卫生管理专业本科招生规模逐步扩大,人才储备仍需加大培养力度;专业特色明显提升,师资队伍和实践教学建设仍需加强;就业情况总体良好,院校之间差异显著;专业学科体系趋于完善,高层次学科建设占比不足.结论 要构建招生-培养-就业全过程管理,优化卫生管理人才培养体系;优化师资队伍结构,强化实践教学基地作用;建立教学协同机制,提高人才培养质量;加强高层次学科建设,构建学科建设四位一体模式.

Objective To analyze and evaluate the quality and level of the development of undergraduate education in health management by investigating the current situation of the education.Methods The network questionnaire survey method was applied to survey 61 colleges and universities across the nation on the current sta-tus and development trend of undergraduate education in health management from five dimensions,namely,basic information,enrollment and cultivation,professional competence and characteristics,employment,and discipline construction.Results At present,the enrollment scale of undergraduate health management majors in China is gradually expanding,and the cultivation still needs to enhance for the reserve of talents.The professional charac-teristics have been significantly improved,but the construction of faculty and practice teaching still needs to be strengthened.The employment of graduates is good in general,but the differences among institutions are still sig-nificant.The professional discipline system tends to be improved,but the proportion of high-level discipline con-struction is insufficient.Conclusions It is suggested to build a whole-process management system of enrollment-cultivation-employment to optimize the health management talent training,to optimize the structure of the fac-ulty and strengthen the role of the practice teaching base,to establish a mechanism of teaching synergy to improve the quality of talent training,and to strengthen the construction of high-level disciplines for building a four-in-one model of discipline construction.


安徽医科大学卫生管理学院,安徽合肥 230032复旦大学公共卫生学院,上海 200032



Health managementUndergraduate educationProfessional competenceProfessional char-acteristicsDiscipline constructionHigh-quality development

《中国农村卫生事业管理》 2024 (007)

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