

Clinical investigation and risk factors analysis of sore throat after painless gastroscopy


目的 探讨无痛胃镜检查术后咽喉疼痛的发生情况及其危险因素.方法 选取2019年10月-2019年11月于该院内镜中心接受无痛胃镜检查术的连续门诊患者作为研究对象.采用课题组自行编订的调查问卷收集相关信息,从无痛胃镜检查术后24 h开始,每隔24 h进行一次电话随访,直至术后咽喉疼痛完全消失;采用数字分级评分法(NRS)评估术后咽喉疼痛严重程度,并记录持续时间;根据是否出现术后咽喉疼痛,将患者分为术后咽喉疼痛组(Ⅰ组)和非术后咽喉疼痛组(Ⅱ组),将两组组间比较差异有统计学意义的因素纳入多因素Logistic回归分析,筛选影响无痛胃镜检查术患者术后咽喉疼痛的独立危险因素.结果 共608例患者完成研究,42例发生术后咽喉疼痛,发生率为6.91%,NRS评分为3.00(2.00,4.25)分,持续时间为24.0(10.0,48.0)h,最长时间为192 h(1例).年龄及前3天疲劳程度是无痛胃镜检查术患者术后咽喉疼痛的独立影响因素:年龄每增加1岁,术后咽喉疼痛发生率减少2.60%;前3天疲劳程度为中度疲劳和重度疲劳,是术后咽喉疼痛的危险因素.结论 无痛胃镜检查术后咽喉疼痛问题值得高度重视.年龄每增加1岁,无痛胃镜检查术后咽喉疼痛发生率减少2.60%;前3天疲劳程度为中度疲劳和重度疲劳,是无痛胃镜检查术后咽喉疼痛的危险因素.

Objective To examine the occurrence of sore throat following painless gastroscopy and to analyze the associated risk factors.Methods A cohort of outpatient patients who underwent painless gastroscopy between October and November 2019 were selected for this study.A questionnaire was designed by the research team to gather relevant data.Starting 24 h after the procedure,telephone follow-ups were conducted every 24 h until the postoperative sore throat completely subsided.The severity of postoperative sore throat were assessed using numerical rating scale(NRS)and the duration was recorded.Patients were categorized into two groups:those with postoperative sore throat(Group I)and those without(Group Ⅱ).Multivariate Logistic regression analysis was performed on statistically significant factors between the two groups to identify independent influencing factors of postoperative sore throat in painless gastroscopy patients.Results Out of 608 patients who participated in the study,42 developed postoperative sore throat,resulting in an incidence rate of 6.91%.The NRS score averaged 3.00(2.00,4.25),with a median duration of 24.0(10.0,48.0)h,with the longest duration recorded at 192 h(in one case).Age and fatigue degree in the preoperative three days were independent influencing factors for postoperative sore throat:for every 1 year increase in age,the incidence of postoperative sore throat decreased by 2.60%;moderate fatigue and severe fatigue in the preoperative three days were risk factors for postoperative sore throat.Conclusion Sore throat following painless gastroscopy warrants attention.For every 1 year increase in age,the incidence of postoperative sore throat decreases by 2.60%;moderate fatigue and severe fatigue in the preoperative three days are risk factors for postoperative sore throat.


江苏省苏北人民医院 内镜中心,江苏 扬州 225000江苏省苏北人民医院 麻醉科,江苏 扬州 225000



gastroscopycomplicationspostoperative discomfort symptomssore throatlaryngeal reflux

《中国内镜杂志》 2024 (007)

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