

Progress and Future Research Directions in Rural Residential Environment Quality Evaluation


科学构建农村人居环境质量评价体系是优化人居环境建设质量的基础.本研究利用中国知网(CNKI)数据库,对近20年国内农村人居环境质量评价相关学术文献进行深入分析发现,农村人居环境质量评价目前已积累了丰富的理论和实践经验,但还存在以下不足:(1)在评价对象方面,目前的研究主要集中在经济发达的东部沿海地区,而对中西部地区、经济薄弱区、生态敏感区以及具有特色的乡村等区域的研究相对较少.(2)在评价指标方面,构建客观评价指标体系居多,而较少关注农户微观视角和主客观指标的结合;在软环境指标的设置上,如乡风文明和村民情感感知等方面的研究相对缺乏;对于具有强烈地域特色的乡村地区,评价时往往缺乏代表性和特色性的指标.(3)在数据来源方面,当前的研究大多依赖于单一的数据来源,这可能会影响评价的全面性和准确性.基于以上分析,提出农村人居环境评价研究的 3 个延伸方向:加强指标体系的理论研究、拓宽指标数据获取的渠道,以及加强评价成果的应用.

Scientifically constructing a rural residential environment quality evaluation system is a fundamental to optimize the quality of residential environment construction.This article utilized the China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI)database to conduct an in-depth analysis of academic literature related to the evaluation of rural residential environment quality in China over the past two decades.While a wealth of theoretical and practical experience has been accumulated,there are still the following shortcomings:(1)In terms of evaluation objects,current research mainly focuses on the economically developed eastern coastal areas,with relatively less research on the central and western regions,economically weak areas,ecologically sensitive areas,and villages with distinctive characteristics.(2)In terms of evaluation indicators,there is a predominance in constructing objective evaluation indicator systems,with less attention paid to the micro perspective of rural households and the combination of subjective and objective indicators.In the setting of soft environment indicators,such as village customs and villagers'emotional perceptions,research is relatively lacking.For villages with strong regional characteristics,there is often a lack of representative and characteristic indicators during evaluation.(3)In terms of data sources,current research mostly relies on a single data source,which may affect the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the evaluation.Based on the above analysis,this article further proposed three extended directions for research on rural residential environment evaluation:strengthening theoretical research on the indicator system,broadening channels for obtaining indicator data,and enhancing the application of evaluation results.


重庆市农业科学院 重庆 400050重庆市江津区规划和自然资源局 重庆 402260


rural human settlement environmentquality evaluationindicator systemresearch progress

《农业展望》 2024 (006)

36-44 / 9

