

Analysis and Cultivation Strategies of Entrepreneurial Competency of New Agricultural Business Entities


发展新型农业经营主体有利于保障重要农产品有效供给、带动农民就业增收、促进乡村产业融合和绿色转型发展.基于创业胜任力理论,结合新型农业经营主体的政策要求,运用半结构化的行为事件访谈法收集数据,采用逐行编码、文本搜索和矩阵编码等质性分析方法分析数据,探讨了新型农业经营主体的创业胜任力模型框架.研究表明,新型农业经营主体创业胜任力的理论结构可以分为 7个维度共 27个要素,初创、成长和成熟阶段的创业胜任力要素和焦点行为要求存在共性和差异性.因此,应当规范新型农业经营主体创业胜任力的通用门槛标准和差异性标准,采用可操作的差异性内容来评价、培训和开发不同发展阶段新型农业经营主体的创业胜任力,满足现代农业高质量发展对新型农业经营主体的创业胜任力要求.

Developing new agricultural business entities is beneficial for ensuring the effective supply of important agricultural products,driving employment and income growth for farmers,promoting the integration and green transformation development of rural industries.Based on entrepreneurial competency theories,combined with the policy requirements of new agricultural business entities,semi-structured behavioral event interview method was used to collect data,qualitative methods such as line-by-line coding,text search and matrix coding were used to analyze the data,and the entrepreneurial competency model framework of new agricultural operation entities was discussed.The research showed that the theoretical structure of entrepreneurial competency of new agricultural operators can be divided into seven dimensions and 27 elements and there are commonness and differences in entrepreneurial competency elements,and focus behavior requirements at the start-up,growth and mature stages.Therefore,we should specify the general threshold standards and differential standards for the entrepreneurial competence of new agricultural business entities,adopt operable and different contents to evaluate,train and develop entrepreneurial competencies of new agricultural operators at different development stages,so as to meet the requirements of modern agricultural high-quality development on entrepreneurial competenies of new agricultural operators.


湖南理工学院 湖南 岳阳 414006


new agricultural business entitiesentrepreneurial competencycompetency cultivation

《农业展望》 2024 (006)

45-51 / 7

