

Codon usage bias of Marburg viruses


目的 分析马尔堡病毒(Marburg virus,MARV)基因组密码子使用偏爱性及其影响因素,为疫苗及特异性抗体的制备提供参考.方法 使用EMBOSS以及Codon W、SPSS 26.0等软件对GenBank数据库中93条MARV编码序列进行分析,用SigmaPlot14.0、Graphpad Prism 9.5软件进行绘图.结果 MARV7种蛋白ENC均值分布在49.84~60.92之间,CAI值接近0.7.RSCU结果显示GCA、AGA、AAU、GAA、GGA、AUU、CCU、ACA是7种蛋白的共有高频密码子,其中具有偏爱性的密码子多以A/U结尾.中性分析、ENC-Plot分析和PR2奇偶分析表明MARV密码子使用偏爱性是由突变压力、自然选择和其它多种因素共同作用形成的,其中自然选择占主导作用.将MARV密码子使用频率与大肠埃希菌、酵母、人和杆状病毒4种常见表达系统进行比较,发现MARV与大肠埃希菌密码子使用频率更为接近.结论 MARV密码子使用偏爱性由多种因素共同作用形成的,自然选择占主导作用.大肠埃希菌表达系统更适合作为马尔堡病毒蛋白的体外表达.

The codon usage bias of the Marburg virus(MARV)genome and related influencing factors were investigated to provide a reference for preparation of vaccines and specific antibodies.In total,93 MARV coding sequences were retrieved from the GenBank database and analyzed with EMBOSS,Codon W,and SPSS 26.0,while plots were generated with SigmaPlot14.0 and GraphPad Prism 9.5.The effective number of codons(ENC values)of the MARV genomes for each protein ranged from 49.84 to 60.92,and the codon adaptation index was close to 0.7.Relative synonymous codon usage showed that GCA,AGA,AAU,GA A,GGA,AUU,CCU,and AC A were common high-frequency codons of seven proteins,and the codons with fa-voritism mostly ended with A/U.Neutral,ENC-Plot,and PR2 parity analyses indicated that the MARV codon usage prefer-ence was dominated by natural selection,followed by mutational pressure and various other factors.Comparisons of MARV gene codon usage frequency with four expression systems(Escherichia coli,yeast,human,and baculovirus)found differences in the codon usage frequency between MARV and E.coli.MARV codon usage favoritism was shaped by a combination of fac-tors,with natural selection playing a dominant role.The E.coli expression system was most suitable for in vitro expression of MARV proteins.


大理大学基础医学院病原生物学综合实验室,大理 671000



Marburg viruscodon preferencenatural selection

《中国人兽共患病学报》 2024 (006)

520-528 / 9

国家自然科学基金项目(No.81703573,No.81660337)和云南省地方本科高校基础研究联合专项(No.202301BA070001-040)联合资助 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81703573,No.81660337)and the Joint Project on Basic Re-search of Local Undergraduate Universities in Yunnan Province(No.202301BA070001-040).

