

The structure,function and regulation mechanism of Vibrio fluvialis Type Ⅵ secretion system


Ⅵ型分泌系统(Type Ⅵ Secretion System,T6SS)是细菌中新发现的一种以直接接触方式释放毒性效应蛋白杀死真核"捕食者"或原核"竞争对手"的蛋白分泌装置,被喻为细菌的"分子武器",在细菌环境适应性、致病性和基因的水平转移等方面都发挥重要作用.约25%的革兰氏阴性细菌基因组中存在T6SS编码基因簇,存在广泛,越来越多的研究支持T6SS是细菌间生态位竞争的关键因素.T6SS发挥生物学功能的效应蛋白具有高度多样性,并不具有保守的特征序列,涉及的调控机制复杂,因此是T6SS研究领域的热点和难点.河弧菌(V.fluvialis)作为一种新发的食源性病原菌,T6SS的数量、组成和生理功能具有独特性,与其广泛的环境适应性及致病性有关.本文综述了河弧菌T6SS的组成结构、功能活性及调控机制等.

Type Ⅵ secretion system(T6SS)is a lethal weapon that releases effectors in direct contact to kill eukaryotic predators or prokaryotic competitors.T6SS is of great significance in bacterial environmental adaptability,pathogenicity,and gene horizontal transfer.T6SS has been identified in about 25%of Gram-negative bacteria.Because of its widespread existence,T6SS is considered the key factor of ecological competition.T6SS effectors exerting biological functions have high diversity and do not have conserved sequences,and the regulatory mechanisms involved are complex.Therefore,it is a hot and difficult topic in T6SS research.Vibrio fluvialis(V.fluvialis)as a newly emerging foodborne pathogen,has unique characteristics in the quantity,composition,and physiological function of T6SS,which is related to its wide environmental adaptability and pathoge-nicity.This article mainly reviews the research progress of V.fluvialis T6SS,including its composition,structure,functional activity,and regulatory mechanism.


传染病溯源预警与智能决策全国重点实验室,中国疾病预防控制中心传染病预防控制所,北京 102206



Type Ⅵ secretion systemVibrio fluvialiseffectorVibrio

《中国人兽共患病学报》 2024 (006)

571-577 / 7

Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.81772242)and the National Key R&D Program of China(No.2021YFC2300302) 国家自然科学基金(No.81772242)和国家重点研发计划(No.2021YFC2300302)联合资助

