

Investigation and disposal of a skin anthrax outbreak in the 164th Regiment,9th Division,Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps


目的 通过流行病学调查,分析疫情原因,及时采取控制措施,为今后炭疽疫情防控提供依据.方法 对该起人间皮肤炭疽疫情进行现场流行病学调查与处置,传染源管理追踪、病例搜索及密切接触者管理、采样与检测、现场消杀、培训与宣传,提出炭疽疫情防控措施.结果 本次疫情为一起人间皮肤炭疽散发疫情,传染源为病死牛.病例于7月20日在自己家中没有采取任何防护措施的情况下宰杀病死牛,且在3 d前右手中指第二关节处被刺扎伤,炭疽杆菌经过伤口感染发病.暴露后当天出现发热症状,第4 d(7月24日)伤口处可见约3 cm×3 cm黑痂,无破溃、无流脓,以发热症状先后就诊于164团医院、塔城市人民医院、塔城地区人民医院、塔城市精诚医院,其中24-25日在塔城地区人民医院住院治疗.密切接触者共7人,均未感染,无共同暴露者.27日采集病例黑痂周围涂抹标本PCR检测阳性,血清抗体阳性,粪便标本阴性;5份环境标本PCR检测阴性,病死牛骨头表面标本分离培养阳性.结论 本次疫情为一起人间皮肤炭疽散发疫情,因宰杀感染炭疽杆菌的病死牛而感染,应加强培训与宣传人兽共患病防治知识,建立兵地融合和联防联控工作机制,早期发现并及时处置疫情.

Field epidemiological investigation and treatment of a human skin anthrax outbreak were performed,including tracing of the infection source,case searching,management of close contacts,sampling and testing,and on-site elimination.Additional training and public outreach,and anthrax prevention and control measures are recommended.This case involved a sporadic outbreak of human skin anthrax,with sick cattle as the source of infection.On July 20,our patient slaughtered a cow at his home without taking any protective measures.Three days earlier,he had been stabbed at the second joint of the middle finger of his right hand,and he became infected with anthrax bacilli through the wound.Fever appeared on the day after expo-sure,and on the fourth day(July 24),a black scab mass of approximately(3X3)cm was visible at the wound site,without rupture or discharge of pus.He was hospitalized with fever at the 164th Regiment Hospital,Tacheng People's Hospital,Tacheng District People's Hospital,and Tacheng Jingcheng Hospital.His stay at the Tacheng District People's Hospital was from the 24th to 25th.He had seven close contacts,none of whom were infected,and no common exposures were identified.On the 27th,the PCR results for smear samples around the black scab were positive,the serum antibody results were positive,and the fecal samples were negative.The PCR test results for five environmental specimens were negative,and the isolation and culture results for bone surface specimens from dead cattle were positive.Strengthened efforts are necessary in training and public education regarding zoonotic disease prevention and control;establishment of local corps integration and joint prevention and control;and detection and mitigation of epi-demics in early stages.


新疆生产建设兵团疾病预防控制中心,乌鲁木齐 830002新疆生产建设兵团第九师疾病预防控制中心,塔城 834600



cutaneous anthraxsporadicepidemiologi-cal investigation

《中国人兽共患病学报》 2024 (006)

595-598 / 4

