

The first female case of human monkeypox in Yunnan Province


目的 对云南省昆明市1例女性感染猴痘病例进行调查处置,为全国预防控制猴痘疫情,特别是女性感染猴痘疫情的早期发现和调查处置提供科学依据.方法 按照《猴痘诊疗指南(2022版)》对病例进行诊断,依据《猴痘防控方案(2023版)》开展流行病学调查分析和处置,采集相关标本开展实验室检测.结果 经流行病学调查,患者发病前与新婚丈夫发生过1次性行为,其丈夫向其隐瞒男男同性恋史及男男性行为史;该女子及其丈夫实验室检测结果为"猴痘病毒核酸阳性";该女子及其丈夫均出现典型出疹等临床症状.结论 结合流行病学调查、临床症状表现及实验室检测结果,及既往云南省猴痘疫情材料,确认该女子为云南省首例女性感染猴痘病例,可疑暴露为早于其发病的男性配偶.

This is the first reported case of a female with monkeypox infection in Kunming City,Yunnan Province.An epi-demiological investigation was conducted to provide a scientific basis for the prevention and control of monkeypox epidemics in China,especially for early detection in females in accordance with the"Monkeypox prevention and control program(2023 ver-sion)".Diagnosis was performed as described in the"Monkeypox Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines(2022 version)".Speci-mens were collected for laboratory testing.The epidemiological investigation determined that the female patient had sexual in-tercourse with her newly married husband once before disease onset and the husband hid his history of male homosexual sex.The laboratory test results of the woman and her husband were positive for the nucleic acid of the monkeypox virus.Both had typical clinical symptoms,including rash.The epidemiological investigation,clinical symptoms,laboratory test results,and previous epidemic data of monkeypox in Yunnan province confirmed the woman as the first female infected with monkeypox in Yunnan Province and her husband was the presumed source of infection.


昆明市疾病预防控制中心,昆明 650228安宁市疾病预防控制中心,昆明 650300



Monkeypoxthe first casefemale infection

《中国人兽共患病学报》 2024 (006)

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