

Effects of dietary zinc and vitamin D3 on growth and antioxidant capacity of grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idella)


为了研究不同锌源以及锌水平与维生素D3 对草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idella)生长性能、胴体微量元素含量及抗氧化能力的影响,选取体重为(25.86±0.13)g的草鱼 600 尾,实验分为 8 个处理(每个处理 3 个重复,每个重复 25尾),随机分到 24 个 900 L的水族箱中.本实验采用双因素设计,添加了 2 个水平(1000 IU/kg和 2000 IU/kg)的维生素D3,每个维生素D3 的水平下,添加 3 个水平的(0、25 和 50 mg/kg)蛋氨酸锌,另外在 2 个维生素D3 的水平下,添加了 25 mg/kg 的七水硫酸锌,配制 8 种等氮、等脂实验饲料,投喂 8 周.8 个处理组依次命名为 1000D/Zn0(1000IU/kg VD3+0 mg/kg锌)、1000D/ZnS25(1000 IU/kg VD3+25 mg/kg七水硫酸锌)、1000D/ZnM25(1000 IU/kg VD3+25 mg/kg蛋氨酸锌)、1000D/ZnM50(1000 IU/kg VD3+50 mg/kg蛋氨酸锌)、2000D/Zn0(2000 IU/kg VD3+0 mg/kg锌)、2000D/ZnS25(2000 IU/kg VD3+25 mg/kg七水硫酸锌)、2000D/ZnM25(2000 IU/kg VD3+25 mg/kg蛋氨酸锌)和 2000D/ZnM50(2000 IU/kg VD3+50 mg/kg蛋氨酸锌).结果显示:(1)饲料锌水平与维生素D3 的交互作用显著影响草鱼增重率(WG)、饲料系数(FCR)和蛋白质效率(PER)(P<0.05).1000D/ZnM50 组 FCR 最低,PER 最高,1000D/ZnM25 组相比于 1000D/ZnS25 组,FCR显著降低,PER显著提高(P<0.05).2000D/ZnM25 组的WG显著提高(P<0.05),2000D/ZnM25组PER显著高于 2000D/ZnS25组,FCR显著低于 2000D/ZnS25组(P<0.05);(2)饲料锌与维生素D3 对草鱼胴体微量元素铜、铁、锰、锌和钙均无交互作用(P>0.05).2000 IU/kg维生素D3 组草鱼胴体铁和钙的含量显著高于 1000 IU/kg维生素D3 组,ZnM25 和ZnM50 组草鱼胴体铁含量显著高于Zn0 组,锌的含量随着蛋氨酸锌的水平增加而增加,ZnM50 组草鱼胴体锰含量显著低于Zn0 和ZnM25 组(P<0.05);(3)饲料锌水平与维生素D3 对草鱼肝脏CAT、SOD、AKP和LZM活性的影响均存在交互作用,锌源与维生素D3 的交互作用显著影响LZM(P<0.05).2000D/ZnM25 组草鱼肝脏过氧化氢酶(CAT)、氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、碱性磷酸酶(AKP)和溶菌酶(LZM)活性显著高于除 2000D/ZnM50 组外的其他组,MDA含量显著降低,2000D/ZnM25 组相比于 2000D/ZnS25 组,CAT、AKP 和 LZM 活性显著提高(P<0.05).研究表明,饲料中锌与维生素 D3 的交互作用显著改善草鱼的生长性能和抗氧化能力.本研究条件下,添加 25 mg/kg的蛋氨酸锌和 2000 IU/kg的维生素D3 更有利于草鱼的生长和抗氧化能力,且蛋氨酸锌在生长、饲料利用、胴体微量元素含量和抗氧化方面要优于硫酸锌.

To study the interactive effects of different zinc sources and levels with vitamin D3 on the growth performance,carcass trace element content,and antioxidant capacity of grass carp(Ctenopharyngodon idella),600 grass carp with a body mass of(25.86±0.13)g were selected.The experiment consisted of eight treatments(three replicates per treatment,25 fish per tank).Fish were randomly placed in 24 tanks with a volume of 900 L each.In this study,two factors and two levels of dietary vitamin D3(1000 and 2000 IU/kg),together with three levels of dietary zinc methionine(0,25,and 50 mg/kg),were designed.Treatment with 25 mg/kg zinc sulfate heptahydrate at two levels of dietary vitamin D3.Eight isonitrogenous and isolipidic diets were used in the 8-week growth trial.The eight treatment groups were named 1000D/Zn0(1000 IU/kgVD3+0 mg/kg zinc),1000D/ZnS25(1000 IU/kgVD3+25 mg/kg zinc sulfate heptahydrate),1000D/ZnM25(1000 IU/kgVD3+25 mg/kg zinc methionine),1000D/ZnM50(1000 IU/kgVD3+50 mg/kg zinc methionine),2000D/Zn0(2000 IU/kgVD3+0 mg/kg zinc),2000D/ZnS25(2000 IU/kgVD3+25 mg/kg zinc sulfate heptahydrate),2000D/ZnM25(2000 IU/kgVD3+25 mg/kg zinc methionine),and 2000D/ZnM50(2000 IU/kgVD3+50 mg/kg zinc methionine),respectively.Results showed that:(1)Dietary zinc levels and vitamin D3 had significant interaction effects on the weight gain rate(WG),feed conversion ratio(FCR),and protein efficiency ratio(PER)of grass carp(P<0.05).The 1000D/ZnM50 group exhibited the lowest FCR and the highest PER.Compared to the 1000D/ZnS25 group,the 1000D/ZnM25 group showed a significant decrease in FCR and a significant increase in PER(P<0.05).The WG of the 2000D/ZnM25 group was significantly increased(P<0.05).The PER of the 2000D/ZnM25 group was significantly higher than that of the 2000D/ZnS25 group,and the FCR was significantly lower than that of the 2000D/ZnS25 group(P<0.05).(2)No interactive effects exist between dietary zinc and vitamin D3 on copper,iron,manganese,zinc,and calcium in the carcasses of grass carp(P>0.05).The iron and calcium contents of grass carp carcasses in the 2000 IU/kg vitamin D3 group were significantly higher than those in the 1000 IU/kg vitamin D3 group.The iron content of grass carp carcasses in the ZnM25 and ZnM50 groups was significantly higher than in the Zn0 group.The zinc content increased with the increase in methionine zinc levels.The manganese content of grass carp carcasses in the ZnM50 group was significantly lower than that in the Zn0 and ZnM25 groups(P<0.05).(3)Interactive effects exist between dietary zinc levels and vitamin D3 on the activities of catalase(CAT),superoxide dismutase(SOD),AKP(alkaline phosphatase)and LZM(lysozyme)in the liver of grass carp.The interaction between zinc sources and vitamin D3 significantly affected LZM(P<0.05).The activities of CAT,SOD,AKP,and LZM in the livers of grass carp in the 2000D/ZnM25 group were significantly higher than those in the other groups,except for the 2000D/ZnM50 group,in which the MDA content was significantly reduced.Compared with the 2000D/ZnS25 group,the activities of CAT,AKP and LZM in the 2000D/ZnM25 group were significantly higher(P<0.05).These results indicated that the interactive effects of zinc and vitamin D3 in grass carp feed could significantly improve the growth performance and antioxidant capacity of grass carp.Under the conditions of this experiment,zinc methionine(25 mg/kg)and vitamin D3(2000 IU/kg)were more conducive to the growth and antioxidant capacity of grass carp,and zinc methionine was superior to zinc sulfate in terms of growth,feed utilization,carcass trace element content,and antioxidant capacity.


华中农业大学水产学院,湖北 武汉 430070||广东海大集团股份有限公司,广东 广州 511400广东海大集团股份有限公司,广东 广州 511400华中农业大学水产学院,湖北 武汉 430070



Ctenopharyngodon idellazincvitamin D3interactiongrowthantioxidentfeed supplement

《中国水产科学》 2024 (005)

588-601 / 14


