

Predation and Preference of Orius maxidentex Ghauri on Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood


为评价海岛小花蝽Orius maxidentex Ghauri对茶黄蓟马Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood的控害潜能,在室内测定了海岛小花蝽对茶黄蓟马的捕食能力和捕食选择性.结果表明:海岛小花蝽 1龄若虫不取食茶黄蓟马,2龄若虫可取食少量的茶黄蓟马 1龄和 2龄若虫,3龄若虫至成虫均可取食茶黄蓟马各龄若虫及成虫;海岛小花蝽 3 龄若虫至成虫对茶黄蓟马 2 龄若虫和成虫的捕食量由大到小均依次为 5 龄若虫,成虫,4 龄若虫,3 龄若虫,其中 5 龄若虫最大,取食量分别为茶黄蓟马 2 龄若虫 31.60 头/d、成虫 30.80 头/d;海岛小花蝽 3 龄若虫至成虫对茶黄蓟马的捕食作用均符合Holling Ⅱ功能反应模型,捕食量均随着猎物密度的增加而升高,搜寻效应均随着猎物密度增加而下降;海岛小花蝽对茶黄蓟马干扰反应符合Hasse Ⅱ模型方程,当茶黄蓟马密度不变时,随着海岛小花蝽自身密度的增加,单头捕食量逐渐降低;海岛小花蝽 3龄若虫至成虫均对茶黄蓟马 1龄若虫的喜好指数Ci>0,对茶黄蓟马成虫喜好指数Ci<0,表明其对茶黄蓟马低龄若虫有较高的捕食偏好.本研究结果表明海岛小花蝽对茶黄蓟马具有较好的防控潜能.

The control potential of Orius maxidentex Ghauri against Scirtothrips dorsalis Hood was evaluated through investigating the predation ability and selectivity of O.maxidentex in laboratory.The results showed that the first instar nymphs of O.maxidentex did not predate on S.dorsalis,whereas the second instar nymphs predated on a small number of the first and second instars of S.dorsalis.From the third instar nymphs to adults,O.maxidentex predated on all stages of S.dorsalis.The predation of O.maxidentex on the second instar nymphs and adults of S.dorsalis ranked from high to low was fifth instars,adults,fourth instars,and third instars.The daily maximum predation of the fifth instar O.maxidentex on the 2nd instar nymphs and adults of S.dorsalis were 31.60/d and 30.80/d,respectively.The predation of O.maxidentex from the third instar nymphs to adults on S.dorsalis fitted well with the Holling Ⅱ functional response model.The predation increased with the increase of prey density,and the search efficiency decreased with the increase of prey density.The disturbance response was consistent with the Hasse Ⅱ model equation.At a certain S.dorsalis density,the predation of an individual O.maxidentex decreased gradually with the increase of its self-density.The preference coefficient of O.maxidentex from the 3rd instar nymphs to adults for the first instar S.dorsalis nymphs was greater than 0(Ci>0),whereas that for S.dorsalis adults was smaller than 0(Ci<0).The results of present study show that O.maxidentex prefer to prey on the young nymphs of S.dorsalis.


中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所/农业农村部热带作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室/海南省热带农业有害生物监测与控制重点实验室,海口 571101||海南大学林学院,海口 570228中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所/农业农村部热带作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室/海南省热带农业有害生物监测与控制重点实验室,海口 571101中国热带农业科学院环境与植物保护研究所/农业农村部热带作物有害生物综合治理重点实验室/海南省热带农业有害生物监测与控制重点实验室,海口 571101||海南大学植物保护学院,海口 570228海南大学林学院,海口 570228



Orius maxidentexScirtothrips dorsalisfunctional responseinterference effectpredation preference

《中国生物防治学报》 2024 (003)

550-558 / 9


