

Effect of lactic acid on nicotine release in different forms of electrical heated cigarettes aerosol


[目的]探索调控加热卷烟劲头与刺激之间平衡的方法,提高加热卷烟感官舒适度.[方法]基于二氯甲烷-水双相萃取体系的加热卷烟游离态烟碱测定方法,考察了乙酸、丙酸及乳酸 3 种酸类香料对电加热卷烟不同形态烟碱释放规律的影响.[结果]①乳酸最能影响气溶胶中游离态烟碱释放量.②除烟芯材料总烟碱外,烟芯材料 pH 值、游离态烟碱含量、游离态烟碱系数以及气溶胶 pH 值、游离态烟碱释放量、总烟碱释放量、烟碱转移率均呈现随乳酸增加而降低趋势.③乳酸施加量与烟芯材料、气溶胶关键指标之间存在较强的线性量效关系.④随抽吸口序的递增,气溶胶游离态烟碱系数整体呈可识别的下降趋势,前 6 口下降趋势更为明显,表明游离态烟碱更倾向于在抽吸前 6 口释放出来.[结论]可通过乳酸对气溶胶总烟碱及游离态烟碱释放进行定量控制,使加热卷烟在劲头与刺激之间取得平衡,改善高烟碱释放量加热卷烟的感官舒适度.

[Background]In order to control the balance between the impact and irritation of the heated cigarettes.[Methods]the effect of acetic acid,propionic acid and lactic acid on the nicotine release for different forms of aerosols was investigated.Moreover,T the dichloromethane-water biphase extraction system was used to determine the free nicotine in the heated cigarettes.[Results]The results showed that:①Lactic acid significantly changed the free nicotine release for the aerosols of electrical heated cigarettes.2In addition to the total nicotine in tobacco material,the pH value,free nicotine,free nicotine coefficient of the tobacco materials as well as the pH value,free nicotine,total nicotine,free nicotine coefficient and nicotine transfer rate of the aerosols all decreased with the increase of lactic acid.③There was a strong linear dose-effect relationship between the lactic acid amount and the key indicators for tobacco materials and aerosols.④The free nicotine coefficient showed an identifiable downward trend with the increase of puff sequence,and the decline trend of the first six puffs were more obvious,i.e.,the free nicotine tended to be released in the first six puffs from the tobacco materials.[Conclusion]Quantitative control of total nicotine and free nicotine release in aerosols can be achieved through lactic acid,balancing strength and stimulation in heated cigarettes to improve sensory comfort in high-nicotine release heated cigarettes.


江苏中烟工业有限责任公司,南京市兴隆大街29号 210019


electrically heated cigaretteslactic acidaerosolsfree nicotinedose-effect relationshippuff-by-puff

《中国烟草学报》 2024 (004)

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