

Image-based morphological characterization of cut tobacco and its numerical simulation


[背景和目的]研究一种叶丝颗粒的粒度和粒形表征方法,表征结果可用于其数值模拟的建模.[方法]采用图像分析技术,确定分散放置在二维平面上的每根叶丝的等面积圆当量径、最大弗雷特(Feret)径、圆形度和纵横比.[结果](1)利用提出的叶丝颗粒图像采集和处理方法,通过对叶丝样品数据的统计分析,确定叶丝物料粒度和粒形的概率密度分布曲线,实现了长丝、中丝、短丝和碎丝 4 种长度叶丝物料的颗粒粒度和粒形表征,表征参数可定量的反映不同样品的颗粒尺寸和形状的差异.(2)离散单元法数值模拟结果表明叶丝的粒度和粒形性质对物料堆积高度有重要影响.本文基于实验测量得到的粒度和粒形概率分布曲线,生成了与实际形态分布一致的叶丝颗粒的数值模型,数值模拟结果与实验结果的偏差在 1.3%以内.[结论]提出的方法从粒度和粒形对叶丝颗粒进行定量表征,表征结果一方面能反映不同物料的性质差异,另一方面可直接用于建立与实际情况接近的数值模型,从而准确预测不同长度叶丝颗粒的堆积高度.

[Background and Purpose]This study investigates a method for the characterization of particle size and shape of cut tobacco,which can be used for modeling in its numerical simulation.[Method]Image analysis technology is used to determine the equivalent diameter of the area circle,maximum Feret diameter,circularity,and aspect ratio of each cut tobacco strand dispersed on a two-dimensional plane.[Results](1)Using the proposed method of cut tobacco particle image acquisition and processing,and through statistical analysis of cut tobacco sample data,the probability density distribution curves of particle size and shape of cut tobacco materials were determined.This achieved the characterization of particle size and shape for cut tobacco materials of four different lengths:long,medium,short,and broken strands.The characterization parameters quantitatively reflect the differences in particle size and shape of different samples.(2)Numerical simulation results using the discrete element method show that the particle size and shape properties of cut tobacco have a significant impact on the material's stacking height.Based on the experimentally measured particle size and shape probability distribution curves,a numerical model of cut tobacco particles consistent with the actual morphological distribution was generated.The deviation of numerical simulation results from experimental results is within 1.3%.[Conclusion]The proposed method quantitatively characterizes cut tobacco particles in terms of particle size and shape.On one hand,the characterization results reflect the differences in properties of different materials,and on the other hand,they can be directly used to establish numerical models close to actual conditions,thereby accurately predicting the stacking height of cut tobacco particles of different lengths.


浙江中烟工业有限责任公司,技术中心,浙江杭州科海路118号 310024浙江大学,航空航天学院流体工程研究所,浙江杭州浙大路38号 310027


cut tobacco particlesparticle shape characterizationparticle size characterizationdiscrete element method

《中国烟草学报》 2024 (004)

55-66 / 12


