

Development of a calibration tool for the folding turret clutch of the YB518 type cellphane packager


为解决YB518 型盒外透明纸包装机折叠转塔离合器在挤烟时不能及时脱开、安装时扭矩调整困难等问题,研制一种可以实现转塔离合器定量调校的工装.通过使用ANAYS Workbench软件对工装的重要零件压力弹簧进行有限元模拟仿真,确定弹簧材料的选择.利用故障停机率拟合线得出转塔离合器调校时的最佳扭矩值为 35N·m.使用该工装对YB518 型盒外透明纸包装机折叠转塔离合器进行调校后,转塔离合器脱开率由 29.54%提高至 94.54%,挤烟平均停机时间缩短了 64.71%,降低了设备维修保养时的劳动强度,提高了设备生产效率.此外,通过调节直径,该工装能够适用于多种尺寸型号的转塔离合器,实用性强.

To solve the issues such as the folding turret clutch of the YB518 type external transparent paper packaging machine not disengaging in time during cigarette extrusion and the difficulty in adjusting torque during installation,a tool was developed to achieve quantitative calibration of the turret clutch.By using ANSYS Workbench software to conduct finite element simulation on the important component,the pressure spring,the material selection for the spring was determined.The optimal torque value for adjusting the turret clutch was found to be 35N·m using a failure shutdown rate fitting line.After using this tool to adjust the folding turret clutch of the YB518 type external transparent paper packaging machine,the disengagement rate of the turret clutch increased from 29.54%to 94.54%,and the average downtime for cigarette extrusion was reduced by 64.71%,decreasing the labor intensity during equipment maintenance and improving the production efficiency of the equipment.Additionally,by adjusting the diameter,this tool can be applied to turret clutches of various sizes and models,making it highly practical.


山东中烟工业有限责任公司济南卷烟厂,济南市高新区科航路2006号 250104


YB518 cellophane packagerturret clutchcalibration toolpressure springoptimal torquedisengagement rate

《中国烟草学报》 2024 (004)

67-73 / 7

