

Analysis of river and lake remote sensing monitoring for the Mother River Recovery Action


遥感监测技术弥补了传统监测手段的不足,为母亲河复苏行动实施与监管提供了强有力的技术支撑.纳入水利部《母亲河复苏行动河湖名单(2022-2025年)》的有79条河流、9个湖泊,共88条(个)河湖.对比分析母亲河复苏行动实施前(2021年4月)和母亲河复苏行动实施后(2024年4月)的遥感监测影像,结果表明:全线有水河流从27条增至48条;存在断流的河流从52条、断流河长1339 km减少至31条、断流河长582 km;9个湖泊水面面积从390 km2增加至417 km2.总体分析,88条(个)河湖复苏行动后总有水河长9379 km、水面面积1348 km2,较复苏行动前同期分别增加756 km、211 km2.在分析遥感监测数据基础上,提出以遥感监测推动母亲河复苏行动的建议.

Remote sensing monitoring technology compensates for the shortcomings of traditional monitoring methods and provides strong technical support for the implementation and supervision of the Mother River Recovery Action.A total of 79 rivers and 9 lakes,amounting to 88 water bodies,are included in the Mother River Recovery Action List(2022-2025)issued by the Ministry of Water Resources.A comparative analysis of remote sensing monitoring images before(April 2021)and after(April 2024)the implementation of the Mother River Recovery Action reveals significant improvements:the number of continuously flowing rivers increased from 27 to 48,while the number of rivers with interrupted flow decreased from 52(with a total length of 1339 km)to 31(with a total length of 582 km).The water surface area of the 9 lakes increased from 390 km2 to 417 km2.Overall,after the recovery actions,the 88 rivers and lakes have a combined total length of 9379 km and a water area of 1348 km2,reflecting an increase of 756 km and 211 km2,respectively,compared to the same period before the action.Based on the analysis of the remote sensing monitoring data,recommendations are made to further advance the use of remote sensing technology in supporting the Mother River Recovery Action.





mother river recoverymonitoring indicatorsremote sensing monitoringwater extraction

《中国水利》 2024 (013)

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