

Multi-scale evolution and safety regulation of water resources in lake watershed under water diversion influence



In response to the severe changes in hydrological cycles in lake watersheds caused by large-scale water diversion and other intense human activities,which threaten water security,this study investigates"key technologies for multi-scale evolution and safety regulation of water resources in lake watershed under water diversion influence".The research includes synchronous monitoring of multiple factors such as water quantity,water quality,and aquatic ecology in typical lakes and their major inflowing rivers.It identifies critical factors endangering water resources security,elucidates the coupled hydrodynamic mechanisms under underlying surface changes,and explores the response relationships between water quality and blue-green algae under interactions of multiple water sources.The study proposes control thresholds and implementation conditions for coordinated regulation of water resources,water environment,and aquatic ecology.Innovative simulation technologies developed include water resources-economy society-ecology feedback simulation,water resources supply-demand-consumption-discharge replenishment process simulation,large complex water body"0-1"structure flood evolution simulation technology,and river network flood behavior simulation technology.The research has led to the development of multi-scale simulation and control models for lake watershed water resources,overcoming challenges in multi-process coupling,scale compatibility,and non-uniform coordination in model construction.Based on these achievements,a smart control platform for lake watershed water resources security has been established,facilitating systematic applications in flood control,drainage,and water resource management at national,basin,provincial,and municipal levels.This supports the planning and implementation of major projects in several lake basins including the Nansi Lake,the Taihu Lake,and the Chaohu Lake,and advances in river-lake management technology.





lake watershedwater diversion impactthe Nansi Lakewater resources regulation

《中国水利》 2024 (013)

27-33 / 7

