

Use Oil Based Drilling Fluid to Stabilize Borehole Wall and Prevent and Control Mud Losses in Fuxing Area


针对复兴地区凉高山组地层漏失严重,自流井组东岳庙段溢漏同存,地层垮塌掉块,频繁憋泵蹩顶驱的问题.采用XRD衍射法对兴页L2HF井、兴页 1002HF井凉高山组和自流井组东岳庙段地层的岩石进行矿物组成分析,使用微观SEM扫描电镜对该地层岩石进行了微观形貌分析,再结合现场情况总结了复兴地区井壁失稳和地层漏失机理.通过提高钻井液的乳化稳定性、降摩减阻和多重封堵性能,形成复兴地区页岩气井油基钻井液井壁稳定技术,该钻井液体系满足封堵性PPA小于 2 mL,填砂管侵入深度小于 2 cm;基于压裂砂堵效应,通过优选和研制了复合堵漏剂、诱导剂、悬浮剂,形成复兴地区程序法"控滤失"模拟砂堵防漏堵漏技术,堵漏浆体系可承压能力高达 7 MPa,更适合应用于多裂缝地层.油基钻井液井壁稳定和防漏堵漏技术在兴页某-1井进行现场应用,相对于使用高密度柴油基钻井液体系的兴页某-2井,优化后钻井液体系的黏度和切力更低,润滑减阻性能更强,漏失和地层失稳等复杂情况明显减少.

In shale gas drilling in the Fuxing area,downhole troubles,such as mud losses in the Lianggaoshan formation,coexistence of well kick and mud losses in the Dongyuemiao member of the Ziliujing formation as well as borehole wall collapse which resulted in frequent pump and top drive halt,have frequently been encountered.To solve these problems,rock samples of the Lianggaoshan formation taken from the well Xingye-L2HF and the well Xingye-1002HF as well as rock samples from the Dongyuemiao member of the Ziliujing formation are analyzed with XRD diffraction for their mineral composition.Using SEM,the micromorphology of these rock samples is analyzed.By studying the field operational data,the mechanisms of borehole wall collapse and mud losses are summarized.The oil-based drilling fluid previously used is improved based on the studies for its emulsion stability,friction reduction and plugging capacity.The new oil-based drilling fluid for the drilling operation in the Fuxing area has plugging PPA of less than 2 mL and invasion depth into the sand tube of less than 2 cm.Based on the sand blocking effect in fracturing job,a mud loss control slurry formulated with compound lost circulation material,inducing agent and suspending agent was developed.The pressure bearing capacity of the mud cakes formed by this mud loss control slurry is 7 MPa,making it suitable for controlling mud losses into formations with multiple fractures.Compared with the high density diesel oil-based drilling fluid used in drilling a well in the Fuxing area previously,this new oil-based drilling fluid has lower viscosity,lower gel strengths and higher lubricity,and the occurrence of the complex situations,such as mud losses and borehole wall instability,has significantly been reduced.


中国石化江汉油田分公司石油工程技术研究院,武汉 430035



Oil-based drilling fluidBorehole wall collapseMud lossMud loss control through pluggingMultiple plugging technology

《钻井液与完井液》 2024 (003)

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