

Analysis of heatwave resistance in the districts and counties of Guangdong province based on factor analysis



Under the backdrop of global warming,the frequency of heatwave events has been increas-ing,adversely affecting the living environment and human health.Existing studies suggest that both natural and socio-economic factors influence the intensity of heatwave events.Therefore,it is particu-larly important to consider a comprehensive set of natural,social,and economic indicators to assess re-sistance to heatwaves.This study selects indicators related to the three aforementioned aspects through factor analysis concerning the districts and counties of Guangdong Province.Three common factors are extracted:individual resistance factor,public resistance factor,and natural resistance factor,which have a cumulative contribution rate reaching 90.029%and can accurately reflect the resistance capacity to heatwave events at the county scale.The results show a significant imbalance in heatwave resistance within Guangdong Province,with districts having strong resistance concentrated in the Pearl River Delta region.Based on the factor scores,the districts and counties in Guangdong Province can be divided in-to five categories:vulnerable resistance zone,individual resistance enhancement zone,public resis-tance enhancement zone,natural resistance enhancement zone,and strong resistance zone.Most dis-tricts and counties have both strengths and weaknesses in their resistance to heatwaves.The study pro-vides specific suggestions for different categories of districts and counties,hoping to offer a scientific basis for mitigating the impacts of heatwave events.


中山大学地理科学与规划学院,广东 广州 510006



factor analysiscounty level scaleheat wave resistancemultisource data

《中山大学学报(自然科学版)(中英文)》 2024 (004)

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