

Effects of Different Fertilizer Formulations on Yield and Economic Benefit of Rapeseed


以华油杂 50、中油杂 19 为供试品种,设置 8 个施肥处理,分析不同肥料配方施肥对油菜产量及经济效益的影响.结果表明:复合肥+尿素处理的油菜产量最高,平均为 2 891.6 kg/hm2,较对照(单施尿素)增产 7.5%,差异达极显著水平;且该处理经济效益也最好,平均收入达 17 852.2 元/hm2,较对照高 407.7 元/hm2.复合肥与尿素配施在实现油菜增产的同时,节省了肥料,提高了经济效益,达到了节本增效的目的.综合分析,本试验条件下,以施西洋复合肥或油菜专用复合肥 375.0 kg/hm2+尿素 300.0 kg/hm2 为宜.

To explore the effects of different fertilizer formulations on rapeseed yield and economic benefits,Huayouza 50 and Zhongyouza 19 were used as test varieties,and 8 fertilization treatments were set up to conduct a study on the effects of different fertilization treatments on rapeseed yield and economic benefits.The results showed that the application of com-pound fertilizer and urea resulted in the highest yield of rapeseed,with an average increase of 2 891.6 kg/hm2 and an in-crease of 7.5%compared to the control treatment(single application of urea),with a significant difference.At the same time,the economic benefits were the best,with an average income of 17 852.2 yuan per hectare and an increase of 407.7 yuan compared to the control treatment.The combination application of compound fertilizer and urea in rapeseed not only achieves yield increase,but also saves fertilizer,improves economic benefits,and achieves the goal of cost saving and effi-ciency enhancement.The optimal fertilization amount is 375.0 kg/hm2 of Xiyang compound fertilizer or rapeseed specific compound fertilizer and 300.0 kg/hm2 of urea per hectare.


贵州省油菜研究所,贵州 贵阳 550008



rapeseedfertilizationyieldeconomic benefits

《作物研究》 2024 (003)

173-177,201 / 6

