

Breeding and Yield Structure Analysis of the New Nationally Approved Wheat Variety Pingmai 16


平麦 16 是以平麦 189 为母本,周麦 18 为父本进行杂交,经连续 15 年系统选育而成,于 2023 年通过国家农作物品种审定委员会审定(国审麦 20230102).于 2017-2018 年度参加新世纪黄淮南片小麦试验联合体区域试验,平均产量 6 903.0 kg/hm2;2018-2019 年度续试,平均产量 8 723.2 kg/hm2;2020-2021 年度参加生产试验,平均产量 8 409.0 kg/hm2;分别比对照周麦 18 增产 3.32%、5.44%和 8.00%.对该品种进行的产量结构分析结果显示,有效穗数、千粒质量、穗粒数均与产量正相关,且其直接正相关系数依次降低.综合分析,平麦 16 为高产稳产、抗倒伏性强、抗寒性强、产量三要素协调的中筋优良品种,具有较好的推广应用价值.

Pingmai 16 was crossed with Pingmai 189 as female parent and Zhoumai 18 as male parent.It was systematically selected and bred for 15 years and was approved by National crop Variety approval Committee in 2023(National examina-tion and approval of Maize 20230102).In The average yield of Pingmai 16 in the joint regional trial of wheat trial in the southern part of Huang-Huai River in the new century in 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 was 6 903.0 kg/hm2 and 8 723.2 kg/hm2,respectively,while which was 8 409.0 kg/hm2 in production test in 2020-2021.which was 3.32%,5.44%and 8.00%higher than that of the control(CK)Zhoumai 18.The results of yield structure analysis of this variety showed that effective panicle,1000-grain quality and the number of grains per spike were positively correlated with yield,and the direct positive correlation coefficient decreased in turn.According to the comprehensive analysis,Pingmai 16 is a medium gluten variety with high and stable yield,strong lodging resistance,strong cold resistance and coordination of three factors of yield,which has good value of popularization and application.


平顶山市农业科学院,河南 平顶山 467001



wheatbreedingyield structurecorrelation analysisPingmai 16

《作物研究》 2024 (003)

218-221,229 / 5
