

Breeding and Cultivation Techniques of New Maize Varieties Zhongxuan 737 with High Yield and Dense Tolerance


中选 737 系中国农业科学院棉花研究所以自育自交系CN301 为母本、XJ2013 为父本杂交选育而成的高产、多抗、广适玉米新品种.以西北春播玉米区主栽玉米品种先玉 335 为对照,开展 2 年区域试验和 1 年生产试验,为玉米新品种中选737 的推广应用提供科学依据.试验结果表明,2017-2018 年2 年区域试验中,中选737 平均产量为 14 775.0 kg/hm2,比对照增产 4.9%;2019 年生产试验中,中选 737 各试验点平均产量 15 708.0 kg/hm2,比对照增产5.3%.在各级试验中,中选737 均表现出丰产、稳产、抗倒、抗病、综合抗性好的特点,适于在甘肃省中晚熟春玉米生态区推广种植.介绍了中选 737 的选育经过、特征特性、产量表现与栽培技术要点.

Zhongxuan 737 is a new maize variety with high yield,multi-resistance and wide adaptability,which was bred by cross selection of self-bred inbred line CN301 as the female and XJ2013 as the male by Institute of Cotton Research of CAAS.The main maize variety Xianyu 335 in the spring planting area of Northwest China was applied as the control,a 2-year regional experiment and one year production experiment were carried out to provide scientific basis for the populariza-tion and application of new maize variety Zhongxuan 737.The test results showed that the average yield of Zhongxuan 737 in the 2-year regional trial from 2017 to 2018 was 14 775.0 kg/hm2,which was 4.9%higher than that of Xianyu 335.In 2019,the average yield of Zhongxuan 737 at each test site was 15 708.0 kg/hm2,an increase of 5.3%compared with the control Xianyu 335.Zhongxuan 737 showed the characteristics of high yield,stable yield,anti-fall,disease resistance and comprehensive resistance,and was suitable for planting in the middle and late maturing spring maize type area in Gansu Province.The breeding process,characteristics,yield performance and key points of cultivation technology of Zhongxuan 737 were introduced.


中国农业科学院棉花研究所/棉花生物育种与综合利用全国重点实验室,河南 安阳 455000



maizebreedingcultivationZhongxuan 737

《作物研究》 2024 (003)

222-224,229 / 4

