

Connotation Interpretation,Reform Trends and Future Prospect of Effective Classroom in Vocational Education in the Digital Intelligence Era



The era of digital intelligence has posed severe challenges and urgent demands for the cultivation of vocational education talents.As an important venue for carrying educational activities,effective vocational education classrooms are of great significance in helping students better adapt to the needs of society and the workplace,promoting the digital transformation of vocational education,and supporting the high-quality development of vocational education.The effective classroom of vocational education in the era of digital intelligence includes a hierarchical gradient based on knowledge classification,a ability orientation focused on technical practice,a breadth of vision oriented towards career development,and a"four dimensional"connotation of value validity oriented towards life growth.Faced with the trends of mutual empowerment between digital technology and vocational education,the four elements of learning environment,student development,career development,and individual value are facing transformation.Building an effective classroom for vocational education in the era of digital intelligence should strive to build an embedded digital classroom that integrates multi-dimensional resources;create a three-dimensional classroom of"teacher-technology-student";construct a comprehensive classroom for students'career development;form a life classroom with emotional flow,enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of vocational education classroom teaching through multiple channels,and promote the achievement of China's vocational education modernization goals.





digital intelligence eravocational educationeffective classroomfour dimensional connotationteaching practice

《职业技术教育》 2024 (020)

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